looking for a discreet m2m play mates in the cape. Looking for bromance and friendship,very open-minded and discreet male here.
By removing it all,we are able to be ourselves, and our vulnerability allows us to connect with fellow men in a more affectionate and intimate way, be it social and/or sexual in nature. Whether we meet up or not, and whether one-on-one or in a group, I hope you find similar experiences for yourself.
Remember, nobody can make you gay, and they can't make you straight. You're attracted to who you're attracted to. Don't be homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual - JUST BE SEXUAL. Spend time with the person or people you want to be with, show them affection in whatever manner seems appropriate and just enjoy life!
I give no one permission to use or take any of my pics or to screenshot or use them for any purpose