Let’s get this group active again. Anyone else keen?
I was there on my own in August last year( my wife isn't into nudism) . A great beach with th option of the lagoon or the sea to take naked dips in. Not very busy with a few couples, a few single guys , myself and some passerbys. I am frequently at Sandy bay in the Cape which is much busier. I'll return much more often when I am in the area!
Quote by XGalik
Thought I'd contribute.
Older pic before circumcision.
Had the procedure done mostly due to necsity.
Since the chaps hoodie was too tight and tended to tear in intimate sessions.
Was not pleasant have a forskin looking like split peas.
Terms of size I am unsure where I lay. I've had some uncoerced compliment me saying its a great size.
But also I am grower not a shower. So hard to say since I am also 6ft 2 which adds to my overall scale.
Would be great to hear about your sexual experience pre and post circumcision.