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Eastern Cape, South Africa


  • Eastern Cape, South Africa
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  • 52 Reviews
  • 142 Subscribers
  • Swinging Heaven Logo 18 Likes



Eastern Cape Swingers
"Club" List for Social & Play events.
Submit your name to join the ECSPC database and once vetted for list membership, "Listers" can both host parties (The party Planner will vet, screen and provide a list of interest-matching SH profile names, who are Listers to hosts) and will receive invitations to events, as per your submitted interests.

One-on-one personal screening & verification, by The Part Planner, of all "Listers", ensures security and safety of all members.
All contact by hosts is via SH or via the Party Planner, who keeps all contact and personal information securely and never passes this private info on to hosts or venues or other Listers.

The Party Planner is always looking for new venues and hosts. Please sign up now to join the fun!