Road trip from PE to CT late January
She is white f 37 and loves men to cum in her or on her body - anywhere but not in her mouth or on her face. Would love to hear from guys along the route ,especially those with friends, . Make contact and pic will follow if you seem to be genuine. Married is ok but we will need will be part of the party and in charge. we choose same race only.
Even if its for a drink or two, id love to meet you in CT.
Kindest regardd
would love to meet for a drink or so if you are interested. please keep me posted (oO,)
Many thanks to all who replied. The response was overwhelming and we have not managed to respond to all individually. We may well contact you in future when we are in your area to see if you are still interested in meeting. To those in the E. Cape we will be back there next week and will be intouch with some of you with a view to meeting up . Thanks all and have fun
My farm is on the N@ towards cape town, can we chat?