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married but looking

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Forum Virgin
Ladies meet married men for straight n.s.a fun,we don't get attached but will give u a time of pleasure and safe romance,....we wil come to you........don't see why married men can't have some fun......come on grls we are just as good in bed....maybe more sexual than the single men
You sound as if you are offering some kind of service for sale.... How expensive are these married escorts anyway?
Forum Virgin
You see that's the problem with you ppl why always think negative,we don't want any money we just want fun,and give woman what they desire and need.........and ppl that want to get aggressive go do it at a nother place,my teeth got noting to do with this topic
Desmond your advert sounds good, the thing that sounds strange to me and pehaps Lee is that you constanly refer to as (we) instead of you. Are you looking to meet up for yourself or are you a group of guys looking to have fun?
Perhaps Desmond is on the wrong site because he looked for me that he are a pimp organising women for fuck partners. Why should a single men been intrest in organising women to met other men not getting any bennefit out of it. This storie have a bit off a smell
Forum Virgin
I'm no pimp.....I'm just talking for all the married men and my self that get rejected by most ppl on swining heaven......and yes ppl got there own preferences..........I can tell you some thing that the married men here are mostly beter lovers than the sngl men,.....and respect woman much why are there ppl here attacking me for saying that we (me) as a married man also want to play
This is a conversation we've all had before Desmond... the fact that you are swinging without your partner's knowledge and permission is just the definition of disrespect to most women... particularly ones who are married and would be horrified to discover their partner swinging around without their knowledge...
That's called cheating.
Even if you do it with swingers.
It's certainly not respectful to your wife. And from my perspective (and I expect all the other ladies on the fora married or not will agree with me), if a guy doesn't respect his own wife (the one he actually declared his love for and took as his life partner!) then we simply can't see how he can respect us....
Okay guys I think the poor man HAS been bashed enough yeah?? I for one say here is a place for all of us. The poor gent just used the wrong way to say he is looking, lets forgive him, yes?? UPDATE.... I was trying to lighten the is not working.
Forum Virgin
Quote by LeeEC
This is a conversation we've all had before Desmond... the fact that you are swinging without your partner's knowledge and permission is just the definition of disrespect to most women... particularly ones who are married and would be horrified to discover their partner swinging around without their knowledge...
That's called cheating.
Even if you do it with swingers.
It's certainly not respectful to your wife. And from my perspective (and I expect all the other ladies on the fora married or not will agree with me), if a guy doesn't respect his own wife (the one he actually declared his love for and took as his life partner!) then we simply can't see how he can respect us....

I totally agree with u men that play without there wife's knowing,is cheating.......and really it can go both you have respect for your self or your marriage when you as a woman have sex with other men or a nother woman,or otherwise does your husband have respect for you and him self when having sex with other people,......this is call swining and this is a game we are playing a life style that is why doo you wane judge me as a man for joining this lifestyle.....and my requests.........and to tell you some thing do u think that when partners have sex with others that it is respect........first I don't need to explain any thing to you......firstly cause you don't know me.....we call this fantasy,lust, and the will to have fun with others .......its not just for married ppl
Forum Virgin
Quote by LeeEC
You sound as if you are offering some kind of service for sale....
How expensive are these married escorts anyway?

And finally I do respect woman,and couples....if they say noo it is no.....its their choice if they want a married man to play with them....and u as a moderator must rather keep your nose out of other peoples life's and what others want....cause its non of ur damm business........make me wonder why u only show body and boobs and not face.......what do u have to least I don't hide who I am.....,no one is forced to replie to my add,again its by choice...........soo take ur comments,and keep it to ur self....this is a site for every one,
Sorry Desmond i had to agree with LeeC and trying to accussed her only show your that you feel guilty for what you did. She do nothing as a Mod she give her personal opinion and your reaction are tipical of a child who are guilthy of something. Hope we can put this issue to bed because its not the paper it written on worth, because it have nothing to do with swinging, go and read previous forums, alot been written on fantacy, lust, fun and only have a nice free fuck.
My very last contribution to this posted forum....... I was trying to say we all have a place here and we do...but things are REALLY getting ugly here.... A lot of MUD slinging and bad mouthing going on. I think we should all ignore this forum thread and let it die is really not worth the effort it takes to read ,and to answer it. IF there are issues between the forum poster and others, I would advice that it is sorted out in PRIVATE. This kinda mud slinging is what kills scares potential contributors. That is all from my side.
Quote by desmond_swart
You sound as if you are offering some kind of service for sale....
How expensive are these married escorts anyway?

And finally I do respect woman,and couples....if they say noo it is no.....its their choice if they want a married man to play with them....and u as a moderator must rather keep your nose out of other peoples life's and what others want....cause its non of ur damm business........make me wonder why u only show body and boobs and not face.......what do u have to least I don't hide who I am.....,no one is forced to replie to my add,again its by choice...........soo take ur comments,and keep it to ur self....this is a site for every one,
The thing that started is how you advertised yourself. Firstly the advert is for yourself and you kept on refering as "we". I'm sure that the other married men can look for themselves. Your intensions minght be good but I'm sure they won't stand up for you when there is an issue. Secondly LeeEC is not just a moderator but also a swinging couple so she can comment on anything and she is a moderator for other reasons than "keeping her nose out of other people's business".
We are all here for various reasons so we all heve certain needs and expectations. Live and treat others how you want to be treated.
You all hear? PIB1 has spoken. We obey.
Sex God
I'm scared she shouts at me . . . lol Desmond, my suggestion to you at this point of this forum would be to rather just leave it where it is. You have your reasons for being on this site, and your reasons for your post, the rest of the people who have commented either in a looking for clarity way or in a let's try help him way or whatever, are people who have considerable knowledge about this life style. rather learn from them than fighting with them.
Forum Virgin
Quote by SDMR
I'm scared she shouts at me . . . lol
Desmond, my suggestion to you at this point of this forum would be to rather just leave it where it is. You have your reasons for being on this site, and your reasons for your post, the rest of the people who have commented either in a looking for clarity way or in a let's try help him way or whatever, are people who have considerable knowledge about this life style. rather learn from them than fighting with them.

I agree..........I dont want to argue or any thing..........I think the way she said things was wrong........and surely I don't have any thing to hide........we are all here to one is here to be threaten to loose their teeth ,and to be told they are disrespectful....towards if I said any thing that harm any body I'm sorry.......
Des xxx
First @desmond
You have been quite rude. But I will not take it personally. You NEED to understand that you did not "place an Ad" - this is a forum. There is a place for posting adverts but forums are for discussion - the whole point is that everyone who participates gets to comment and share their opinion. No one here denies anyone's right to their own opinion, EVEN if some disagree with others - the POINT of forums is to share ideas and have a conversation. If you had read all the other threads - you would have seen that this is how forums work. You would also know that BECAUSE everyone has their own opinion you shouldn't be talking on anyone else's behalf. (Like talking about "we" instead of "me/I")
Secondly, moderators are actual human beings who also have opinions and just because they are moderators doesn't mean they are NOT swingers, all the moderators on SH are actual swinging members (even most of the admin are!).
Additionally, in your post you asked a question - you wanted to know why married couples are not into married men who are swinging single - so that's what I was doing: answering your question, and I seem to be qualified because I am a married woman, part of a married swinging active couple and we do not like to meet married men swinging without their partner's consent, (If you look at our profile: "MattLeeEC" you will see that we specifically don't mind if you have permission).
Instead of saying "Thank you for answering my question! Now I understand!"
You get all twisted up with hate for the person who gives you a clear answer - just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean I am a bad person.
And finally telling someone to mind their own business on an open forum when YOU were the one who posted your note here in the first place is completely ridiculous. You have at least made be laugh very hard. Thanks - I always wanted a reason to take off my panties at work!
@ALL my forum friends on this thread:
Don't mind the newbies, they will figure things out smile
Thanks for the back up guys - I do appreciate the appreciation :) You're my peeps!
But stand back I think desmond is just finding his feet and I don't mind letting him take out his frustrations on me.
I am certain that he will 'get' what went wrong now and continue to be a very active and well-loved forum contributor - once he pastes his discussion topics here and his adverts in the advertising space instead of the other way around - AND then we will accept him and love him and give him lots of cool discussions to partake in - won't we?lol
I don't mind if the newbies push my buttons, it doesn't necessarily mean I'll bite them :) Well not unless he asks nicely....
Oh and on that note... when I open my dungeon for whippin's EVEN married men who are swinging single will be welcome :)
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Oh and one more thing - the comment about teeth and respect is my SIGNATURE silly... look in your forum tab on your settings menu and make your own one!! Be fun, be silly and remember avatars are cool - see the thread on avatars on "site help" forum
Sometimes we say something and it comes out all wrong
Forum Virgin
Quote by Voyer1105
Sometimes we say something and it comes out all wrong

Thanks ladies love u all have a blessed day.......maybe one day we can all meet up and have a good time
Des xxx
Very well written and succinct, as usual! I am kinda glad that I did not catch this "post" in it's volatile stage, as I would have been far more scathing than you were. Mrs Cat xoxo PS: Maybe I can humbly offer Desmond_swart some advice that may help? I suggest you read up a little about what swinging is all about.....
Well, @Desmond_Swart you have balls man ..... your post is in the top three posts in this category which attracted some great attention! Your "Lets meet up" approach was actually in the right place, but what happened afterwards was a quick lesson to get 'an innings' in the swinging lifestyle! Good luck and stay strong - would like to see you participate on the forum! wink
Quote by Adonis
Perhaps Desmond is on the wrong site because he looked for me that he are a pimp organising women for fuck partners.
Why should a single men been intrest in organising women to met other men not getting any bennefit out of it.
This storie have a bit off a smell
net so ja
F me.... I was scraping some courage together to submit a posting, but realise this might release the next wave of attack from the usual suspects.... Enjoy!
Quote by Dondeman
F me....
I was scraping some courage together to submit a posting, but realise this might release the next wave of attack from the usual suspects....

Oh please don't let our silly antics stop you from adding your 2c to the forums.