Hello all "Vaalies".....
I would love to join any group of people who are into getting together for masturbation parties.
Why? Well firstly it is erotic. I LOVE to watch a woman masturbating!!!! I also am hugely turned on by a woman watching me play with myself.
Second, it is totally safe (STD's), AND non emotionally threatening....
Thirdly, it can be a cool social gathering too! Why not make it a bring and braai type of thing? Maybe with some nice DVD's to play too? You can sit around or walk around or swim, chatting, discussing what you like or don't like about sex, whilst looking at how we each do it for ourselves.
There's always the outside chance you might meet someone who you like too, not impossible.
Anyone maybe interested who also has an available venue? I can only really do it if my landlord/lady are away as I don't yet have the ideal flat/surroundings.
Love to hear from any/all interested girls and guys. All male party is not on though, at least ONE girl to be present.