Some really strange and confusing profiles on here. I have come across many profiles that say one thing in the profile write up and the opposite in the ad. Or preferences in the looking for section and the opposite in the write up. I never know when it is ok to contact many of the profiles that interest me.
For example: There is a single female profile here that says not to message her as she will not respond and she only meets at clubs and hopes to meet a few from site at a certain club randomly. Then the ad says that she would like men and couples to contact her for fun. Another interesting one is a couple that clearly states no single men in the write up and on the preference list, straight male is not checked. Yet the ad says that they are looking for guys for a mmf. Even seen a few of single females looking only for gay guys... Don't know what would make a female want a full gay guy or why she would think that a gay would want a girl. I can understand a bi guy.
The best ones are of couples who explain how open minded they are and that they are looking for people without boundaries that are adventurous and not scared to try new things, then they go on to list their 100 rules and regulations regarding playtime. So they can have rules but potential playmates may not?
I wish I knew when it is ok to contact people. A misleading profile gets you rude message back! Example: I contact a couple that has the "straight male" box checked. The write explains how they recently had a mmf and loved it, then further says "no single guys please". So I sent a message asking why check the straight male box and say that they enjoyed a mmf recently, but say "no single males". A polite question to express my confusion and deduce weather I should or shouldn't request a chat with them... The reply: " Can't you read?"...
I contact people with hesitation now-a-days. Always anticipating the resulting rudeness. Never know what people want, even with a detailed profile...
Good day All
Great write up Stamina, must agree, it can be very frustrating to respond to adds you like and getting rude response back.
Please people, lets correct the profiles, say what you want, no contradicting....
My offer:
Let me know when you come across problematic profiles and I will send them an admin message requesting they update their information to remove confusion. From Admin ;)
See? Problems solved!
While i agree the first case with the single lady is just plain weird and such profiles should be avoided at all costs. The second with the couple and all their rule is more arrogant than contradicting and again unless you are in the mood for drama, it may be a good idea to dodge that one too.
The case of the couple and the single guy makes perfect sense if you are not looking for reasons to contact them and then blame them when it goes wrong.
They tick the "single male" block because they are looking for single males, as they state they do enjoy an mmf.
By saying "No Single Men" or some variation it this, what they saying is we are looking not inviting every single mail on site to make contact and harass us, we will make contact with any single that may interest us when the time suits us.
Couples are harassed by single males to the point that they do not want to be contacted by them, no matter how much you believe you are the perfect lover, how horny you may be or how large you are.
I think far to often men are looking for reasons to contact couples instead of accepting if the profile says "No Singles" then respect it and move on. it seems they set themselves up to fail and then blame others for that failure.
Not that many single guys would agree with what i have just said, so the accusations and grips will go on.
Bravo Adonis I do agree!!!
Why report a profile for contradiction that you as a browser has picked up on.
Why would anyone want to reprimand that profile from Admins side?
I feel that Anything someone written or NOT mentioned in his or their or her profile is totally their business.
My feelings on this subject.
The moment someone or even admin asks me to change anything IN my written profile I will take GREAT offense to that.
That will totally be the last straw for me to just leave the site as becoming to *policed* and *political*.
No one has to agree or disagree with me, It is how I feel.
Now I am not saying NOT TO report offensive mail writers or someone who is rude or inappropriate towards anyone else and the Profiles that asks for payment for *services rendered* That is totally in another class.
Um. Only Stamina said anyone was getting a kakking out. Seriously people. I said "contact me and I will send a note, making the aware of the contradiction.".
There really is nothing wrong with making people aware of a box that was erroneously ticked or content that confuses people looking at their profile.
I regularly contact people and point out problems and ALWAYS people are pleasant and thankful for the heads-up.
But on that note. .. Adonis is quite right. If there is something in the profile you don't like, contacting them is essentially just picking a fight.
Die probleem met ons in Suid Afrika is dat ons 'n onverdraagsame samelewewing geword het. Niemand aanvaar meer raad of teregwysing sonder om iets sinies daarin te sien nie.
Hoe kon so 'n land in so 'n kort tyd respek vir jou medemens verloor. Hoeveel verskille word werklik vreedsaam op gelos baie min. Selfs in die huwelik is daar die goue reel moet nooit kwaad gaan slaap nie, en wat gebeur mense gaan slaap kwaad en dit oor 'n misverstand of 'n teregverwysing.
Ek is van mening omdat ons nie meer gesag aanvaar nie, want dit is presies die geval met die lede van SH ook, ons aanvaar nie die gesag van die Mods nie. Al doen hulle seker die ondankbaarste job onder die son en probeer hulle die site net vir almal baie lekker maak, bevraagteken ons al hulle optrede.
Ek weet ek is ook skuldig daaraan en vra omverskoning as ek enige mod te na gekom het, my geaarheid is ongelukkig ek is aanvallend, maar tenmiste ken ek my slegte punte, en werk daaraan.
Maar my laaste gekerm, mens moet nie meer in 'n profiel sien as wat daar staan nie. As daar niks staan nie verteenwoordig dit maar net die persoon hy het stel nie belang nie. Hoe meer jy in die profiel plaas hoe meer kontakte gaan jy van die regte mense kry wat erenstig is oor die leefstyl.
Kom ons vat 5 en maak SwingingheavenSa die beste site in die land met die mees gerespekteerde Mods om sake te bestuur