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Cape Town Gangbang Group

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I'm interested in participating in a Gang-bang where one or a couple of horny woman get fucked by multiple guys. To that end i'd like to try arranging to maybe get a group going in CT. Maybe we can make this a regular event if we get a good venue and a couple of regular woman or maybe the wives of some of the members to participate. 

Guys and girls who are interested please post here and we can arrange a Gang-bang Group

sounds like fun!

sounds like fun keep me posted

These discussions never seem to amount to much, but hey, I am interested. Please keep me posted.

definitely in ;) awaiting retails

I'm definitely interested. Keep me posted

29 M Brackenfell.... Requesting permission to tag along.

Count me in....Im sure if we all put our heads together we could come up with some nice decent venues...even if we get all the guys that will be participating clubbing to get a hotel room...just a thought.  So far we have 9 guys and a lady that would take part. That is a gangbang right there...

I am in for a night of fun let me know

may I watch?

I'm definitely in too! Also have a few guys on my we need some horny wives or single ladies!

Please keep me updated...

Keen, details when it happens smile 

I would definitely love to participate.  Hope you get some girls interested though...thats the challenge. 

in In in 

Gaan iets nou gebeur

has this materialized? 

Im in.

@Sezza looks like you have us all to yourself with starshine watching?

when where


im in let me know if this is going to happen

one of those brilliant ideas that never materialises. One must take the lead and arrange the event and the venue. Small at first and then  the people attending can pay a fee that will fund the next bigger one.

hey everyone. I showed wifey this post and she volunteered to be the first girl. So all of you who said you are in start arranging.. may I add....she want be fucked like a slut. Please Mr organiser...time date and venue is all that is needed

Hey Guys....Was away but back now. Seems we have a few interested people. Would love to arrange a gangbang for next Saturday the 30th of July 2016. Should be enough time to arrange things. 

Does anyone have a venue that we can use? it would need to have sufficient parking.

@Freshman : Would you and the wifey be up for the 30th?

hey there. We are definitely in but the date is a bit short notice. We have to travel from The De Aar to Cape Town. That is almost 8 hours drive. Can we move it a few weeks on?