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Is this site for me

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I initially came onto this site to see if there were any ladies looking for something outside of their existing relationships, whether it be missing some sort of spark in the bedroom or just curiosity regarding the lifestyle that appears a lot more popular than originally i anticipated. For me personally these two points were my primarily reason for joining a few weeks back. I am in a healthy loving relationship and the last thing on my mind is to destroy something which i cherish with all my heart, I have to be discreet, no chances can be taken, no spur of the moment decisions can be made to satisfy my curiosity and this alone makes it extremely difficult to connect on this platform. Pictures are a must to attract individuals to your profile, something which I just can't afford to do..............i mean lets face it, a picture of a penis will attract nobody, a body pic could lead to somebody recognizing me and my hole world could potentially crumble. Of cause i understand those individuals and couples that have posted there photos on this platform have taking the risk, put themselves out there and therefore expect the same in return with those they choose to chat with..........this i respect and fully understand. A major concern is the scammers, those looking to profit from initiating a chat and obtaining your photos and personal information and i have been told it happens frequently. Any thoughts on the topic?