Hey girls I have for years been enjoying the best real gloryhole in JHB
It's a public bathroom very quite upstairs easy for a lady to sneak in
and then just wait for a cock to appear through the hole
Suck away and play
Contact me if you would like details
Will gladly assist you in having the hottest cock sucking action
LMAO @ SDMR now If I was in JHB I would have asked for the address , as I am an old woman and do not *get* many playmates anymore.
Just imagine............. me sitting there fat ,wobbly,TEETH OUT, and sucking the daylights outa all cocks thrust through that hole.
Maybe there is one or 2 adventurous ladies out there!!!
I think you'll get s lot of attention.
LOL PIB I would be first in line for you any day.
Good to see you back in Forum, Georgeous!!
@ redbruce The people who receives BJ with out teeth, says it is very very nice!!!
So young and so cynical...... :P
So give the address then..............