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Confirming for a party and not pitching up!

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Why go to all the trouble of confirming for a party and then not pitch up?! The decent thing to do would be to cancel your confirmation if you're not going to make it! Why let the host's cater for you if you know that you won't be there. I think it is ill mannered and just plain inconsiderate! 😠😠😠

Agree with you.  Even if you got "cold feet" - decent thing to do is cancel. 

It is so annoying when you go through all the trouble and then people do nit pitch or cancel, In Cape Town we have started a blacklist now and also work on 30% of replies pitching up when making bookings

I was just complaining about not pitching for a coffee date, nearly as bad.  Someone suggested make use of the 'Vouch' option and say 'No show'!! 

It seems, sadly, that this is a general phenomenon... It's happened to us a couple a number of times for coffee dates, and also seems to happen routinely at one of the clubs we attend (where the owners go out of their way to make things as nice as possible for us, and people do not seem to appreciate the effort they have gone to)... It's just plain RUDE, when people do that, without any apology.

I have heard this a few times now, I will never arrange something and not pitch and I won't like people doing it to me (that is if I get so lucky because I am not everyones cup of tea) 

The last week ALONE...  2 x Single males.  They confirmed for drinks. Confirmed venues. Confirmed times. On the evenings in question - radio silence. 

Quote by Slowvelder69
Why would they drop you @2some4fun

 Your guess as good as ours

I don't understand why they bother to make a date in the first place? 

Quote by 2some4fun
The last week ALONE...  2 x Single males.  They confirmed for drinks. Confirmed venues. COnfirmed times. On the evenings in question - radio silence. 


Twits....No decency. ..these time wasters...Leaves a bad taste in the mouth...Almost like coitus interuptus. ..There should be a means of reporting it happens far to often...

Half the fun is in the chase/ build up.....then...Zilch.........not fun..

Quote by Slowvelder69
It is so annoying when you go through all the trouble and then people do nit pitch or cancel, In Cape Town we have started a blacklist now and also work on 30% of replies pitching up when making bookings


30%! Thats insane! It would help if there were three categories: "going, interested and no", like on FB. At the moment if they want to keep it an option they have to say "going", otherwise they never see the invite again. It is not just swingers parties though. My worst dinner party had 20 confirmations and 2 of those arrived....

On a separate note, I have been called a "no-show", when the couple didn't give me a specific location, and only confirmed 30 minutes before the meet, when their earlier meet failed to show. Couples especially hedge their bets with two or three possible options, in my experience. By contrast, all the single girls have pitched up more or less at the right time, with no confusing changes right before meeting.

What about planning to meet people and putting off other events to go. Then before leaving and confirming, no response. 

We were stood up in Cape Town ...In Gauteng it has not happend once and we had more than 30 meet n greets......THANKS a million to all the amazing couples weve met 

Well I have never been stood up by girls although they have always  been late.

Quote by Aardvark19
Well I have never been stood up by girls although they have always  been late.

We have been stood up by single girls and even 2 couples over the last 5 years. 

Annoying AF if you go out of your way to either meet up somewhere or prepare to host them.

Quote by adventurecpl5
We were stood up in Cape Town ...In Gauteng it has not happend once and we had more than 30 meet n greets......THANKS a million to all the amazing couples weve met 

 we have been fortunate enough to have never been stood up as yet as well  

Quote by 2some4fun 
We have been stood up by single girls and even 2 couples over the last 5 years. 

Annoying AF if you go out of your way to either meet up somewhere or prepare to host them.


Maybe it’s the location? I can’t imagine someone standing you up otherwise... you are way too hot xx

Actually today I got stood up by second couple. They picked the time and location, so can’t be that... girl meets still 100%, but couples 0% and full of weirdness...

Quote by Aardvark19
Actually today I got stood up by second couple. They picked the time and location, so can’t be that... girl meets still 100%, but couples 0% and full of weirdness...

 Who are they we just wanna block them

Its super rude and tells me alot about you as a person. In that case at Nexxxus you will just not be invited back. Easy. We don't want to be associated with inconsiderate, rude people.

The latest excuse for not rocking up for a meet just before the time is " my partner is not feeling well" . Not "I'm not feeling well" because they scarred they might really ge it something bad because they were not being honest!

from the place of a hostess of weekend getaways i speak from experience. i have to rent the guesthouse as a whole and do the food catering. the accomodation only accomodates 22 people. you get 30 ppl booking on the party tab but when it comes to payment then you get radio silence. it takes the space of other ppl who really do want to join. its alot of time, effort and money gets put into hosting events and the responses from some are a let down. i am blessed tho to have met some truely amazing couples and singles from this site. the non bullsh@#er types. 

just wish that ppl were a tad more honest about their intentions to join an event

It is the same for hiking trips, dinner parties and New Years Eve parties. Of course it is annoying in all cases!

In Cape Town not showing up to both swinging and vanilla events after confirming is a common thing. IMHO it is rude to pull out of an event you have committed to at the last minute or just not show up as someone has gone to a lot of trouble setting up the meet or event.

I see there are too many couples who are frustrated with no-shows.

Im wondering if it would't be better to only invite those couples/singles who have a few vouches behind their names.

Those vouches in my opinion, show that a couple/single will have the integrity to at least cancel in advance beforehand if they cannot be there for a date. I have never not turned up for a date nor have I ever has a couple not turn up for their date with me.

It's called good manners to inform the host of a cancelation... alot of effort goes into arranging a party.

Quote by Boet_Dolla

Why go to all the trouble of confirming for a party and then not pitch up?! The decent thing to do would be to cancel your confirmation if you're not going to make it! Why let the host's cater for you if you know that you won't be there. I think it is ill mannered and just plain inconsiderate! 😠😠😠

I couldn't agree more. A simple message at least saying that thy can't come. But nothing.

There should be a list where people who confirm and don’t pitch without any word should be listed to help future hosts. It is very bad form to confirm and not pitch.