Can anybody help me understand how it is that profiles from Canada and Australia (although only a few) are on the SH South Africa site?
SDMR yes these sites belong to the mother site in UK, and everyone can bevame a member
There was a couple from Canada that gave a good show in the chatroom
More than one Allens neck ?
Agree, the town/suburb across the road from our suburb is apparently +600km away, so hence any search done for profiles close to us are not included...... and we not included in their search.....
Yip there is more than one Allan's Neck, there is one in Eastern Cape, a mountain pass
The distance been calculate on the post code you put in your profile, but sure the site distance calulater is crap
What gets me upset a bit about it thought, when I use the search, and say profiles with in 100km from us it give me a profile or 2 from Australia!
Australia is 100km from us the other way around the globe ----- *smile*