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What are you REALLY here for?

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It may seem a really stupid question at first glance but, think a little harder... What are you REALLY here for? Is it simply the thrill of sex with someone different? Is it to meet likeminded folk and build friendships? Is it to enhance your sex life/lives? If you're in a partnership, how willing a participant is your other half? Are you here for a little "Something on the side"? All these questions can be expanded upon of course but take a moment to really think about your answer/s. Far too often we see couples and singles venturing into this with narry a clue as to what it is they're looking for, only to find that the expectations they didn't know they had, are never met. Initially this may not seem like a bug deal but ask those folk who have had relationships ruined because they were ill-informed, uninformed or just plain naive whether they would do this again, given the choice and the same set of circumstances. So again I ask.... What are you REALLY here for?
Well done guy's, this should spark a decent forum response. I myself am going to give this some thought before responding. :thumbup:
Short and sweet, meet likeminded folks and build friendships.
Quote by Adonis
Short and sweet, meet likeminded folks and build friendships.

So... No bonking then? rotflmao Just kidding guys, thanks for the reply ;)
Friends with bennefits lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by SDMR
Well done guy's, this should spark a decent forum response.
I myself am going to give this some thought before responding. :thumbup:

I second that. Would have to think about this carefully before opening my mouth and get blasted again. lol :lol: :lol:
Before I comment, I am wondering if is Lee going to combine this forum with Vee1`s forum of December2012 aswell?? As Most of the regular forum bunnies ,already commented on why we are here. I would not like to duplicate my comment,thus I am also waiting to see what happens.
I am here to meet couples and singles for fun and explore the sexual side of life with like minded people. Does not always have to sex involved can just be chat or watching videos ect.
Quote by Pussinboots1
Before I comment, I am wondering if is Lee going to combine this forum with Vee1`s forum of December2012 aswell??
As Most of the regular forum bunnies ,already commented on why we are here.
I would not like to duplicate my comment,thus I am also waiting to see what happens.

Two very different posts PIB. This one aims to get people thinking WHY they became swingers as opposed to what their expectations are smile
Ahhh why we became or want to become *swingers*...not why we are here on site... Get you guys now.... But all in all, the both forums can be answered the same both forums actually asks the same thing,just in another form. My short answer here is then.. Currently I am here for The freedom it gives me to talk about sex.....with other like minded people who will not think me to weird.
Quote by Pussinboots1
Ahhh why we became or want to become *swingers*...not why we are here on site...
Get you guys now....
But all in all, the both forums can be answered the same both forums actually asks the same thing,just in another form.
My short answer here is then..
Currently I am here for The freedom it gives me to talk about sex.....with other like minded people who will not think me to weird.

So in other words you aren't a swinger? I know you've said it before.
Would anyone like me to merge the topics? Let me know.
@ Lee no single person can call him or herself a *swinger* only a couple they share their partner with someone else. But we singles sure do have a swingers mindset..... I was introduced to *swinging* barely 20years of age, in the 1970`s..... but then at that time I was also part of a *couple* although we were not married and sure I joined the gent(much older than me) in this venture for all the wrong reasons, BUT that was many many moons ago. I evolved into what I consider myself today,a sexually liberated lady.
I suppose at first, it was all about getting "back into" something I really enjoyed some years back (with my then wife) Meeting people in a public setting (pubs / clubs) is all good and well, but you have a number of drawbacks with that (we get too old to be in clubs and pubs all the time) there is always the chance that anyone willing to meet and shed clothing, is probably likely to give you something else too and not only an orgasm. There are other sites that claim to cater for this need, and after paying membership fees, you get contacted by computers, and people who live thousands of kilometers away from you. I found this site, gave it a try and found out rather quickly that being a "single member" was not ideal, however, the amount of couples looking for a third person for a threesome is quite staggering. Yes, success rate is obviously not ideal (will it ever be though?) BUT, I landed up staying here because of the other benefits, such as reading the forum topics and getting a way better understanding of how the rest of society views sex. The things I have learned about peoples views have helped me with other people (by simply letting me think something other than my own way) I have made a number of good "writing" friends on this site, and even if I land in a situation of only meeting up with people once every few months, the other reasons are worth staying here.
The reason why we here cum let me see mmmmmmm Lets just say to eat the most expensive food every day and the same food week in and week out is not good. So some take way now and then is like eat. Man there is no word that can describe it. Joyrider I love the take away's lol :lol: :lol:
As I am not swinging with a partner, I am not actually a swinger... So the answer to your question from a single male: I am here for hopes and dreams!!! I am yet to see if females are as "naughty" as they claim to be... All have big mouths but never meet!! Only bounce e-mails up and down bragging about how they will bend your spine!! No offence ladies but it is true - prove me wrong! I think 99% of females here (in couples and singles) secretely fantasize about sex with a stranger but will never act on it. A ring on the finger is the only thing that will unlock the legs? So I am here for a possible satisfaction of curiosity (research - if you will?)... And ofcourse to chat with good friends...
Quote by SDMR
I suppose at first, it was all about getting "back into" something I really enjoyed some years back (with my then wife)
Meeting people in a public setting (pubs / clubs) is all good and well, but you have a number of drawbacks with that (we get too old to be in clubs and pubs all the time) there is always the chance that anyone willing to meet and shed clothing, is probably likely to give you something else too and not only an orgasm.
There are other sites that claim to cater for this need, and after paying membership fees, you get contacted by computers, and people who live thousands of kilometers away from you.
I found this site, gave it a try and found out rather quickly that being a "single member" was not ideal, however, the amount of couples looking for a third person for a threesome is quite staggering. Yes, success rate is obviously not ideal (will it ever be though?) BUT, I landed up staying here because of the other benefits, such as reading the forum topics and getting a way better understanding of how the rest of society views sex. The things I have learned about peoples views have helped me with other people (by simply letting me think something other than my own way)
I have made a number of good "writing" friends on this site, and even if I land in a situation of only meeting up with people once every few months, the other reasons are worth staying here.

Very informative SDMR, thanks smile
Quote by joyrider
The reason why we here cum let me see mmmmmmm
Lets just say to eat the most expensive food every day and the same food week in and week out is not good. So some take way now and then is like eat. Man there is no word that can describe it.
I love the take away's lol :lol: :lol:

Hahaha... Nicely put there Joyrider ;)
Quote by Stamina
As I am not swinging with a partner, I am not actually a swinger... So the answer to your question from a single male:
I am here for hopes and dreams!!! I am yet to see if females are as "naughty" as they claim to be... All have big mouths but never meet!! Only bounce e-mails up and down bragging about how they will bend your spine!! No offence ladies but it is true - prove me wrong! I think 99% of females here (in couples and singles) secretely fantasize about sex with a stranger but will never act on it. A ring on the finger is the only thing that will unlock the legs?
So I am here for a possible satisfaction of curiosity (research - if you will?)... And ofcourse to chat with good friends...

Interesting reply Stamina. But, a worthy one nonetheless. Thank you smile
We see SH as the virtual clubhouse for like-minded folk/ lifestylers. We use the club to socialize with other members in a safe, non-invasive environment. Some members we become friends with and then we actually meet in person......afterwards we still use the site as one of the ways of socializing with them eg chatting or camming in the chat room. We make use of the clubhouse's entertainment facilities such as camming (which is an exciting and somewhat nerve racking experience) and these forums (which make for an entertaining read or are informative and gives us an opportunity to air our views on a variety of topics to a captive audience). We also enjoy looking at the photo gallery, appreciating the sexy and the sensual (yes, yes we are pervs! lol). And that, in short, is why we are REALLY here! Mrs Cat xoxo
Quote by NawtyCat
We see SH as the virtual clubhouse for like-minded folk/ lifestylers. We use the club to socialize with other members in a safe, non-invasive environment. Some members we become friends with and then we actually meet in person......afterwards we still use the site as one of the ways of socializing with them eg chatting or camming in the chat room.
We make use of the clubhouse's entertainment facilities such as camming (which is an exciting and somewhat nerve racking experience) and these forums (which make for an entertaining read or are informative and gives us an opportunity to air our views on a variety of topics to a captive audience). We also enjoy looking at the photo gallery, appreciating the sexy and the sensual (yes, yes we are pervs! lol).
And that, in short, is why we are REALLY here!
Mrs Cat

Thanks Mrs Cat smile Nicely put>