This in probably best answered by the ladies. Do the majority of ladies prefer a circumsized dick or is an uncut job the order of the day?:dunno
My wife prefers cut and me uncut
I think being is preferable to not being as if you were not being then how could you be busy being?
So I dated a guy long term, he was uncut. Perfect penis if i may say. I loved it! Before him I preferred cut though but just cos I felt it was cleaner. Like if u want to be spontaneous go down on your man it wouldn't have that "been in pants" all day odour. Surprisingly, we never ever had that problem with that sort of thing. Then he got circumsized, was different but was still perfect.
Personally for me, as long as guy's clean or makes effort to keep as clean as possible then either or.
Honestly though, I have come across uncut guys that seem to be more wet. I don't really like that. But maybe guys can answer that, is it because guy is not cut? Cut penises seem "dryer" thus "cleaner".
smellwise, yes it does smell better, it feels better as its cleaner. for me as a guy, I feel I can go longer since ive been cut. wify also prefers cut, but does not discriminate against it.