Heey, relaax! ... cut them some slack, they're 'software peeple', they've been trained from the get-go that the one and only thing you never do in the game is to fix anything properly! From when they were teeeeny lil programmers wearing teeeny lil digital nappies they were constantly being told that "YOU NEVER FIX NOTHIN WITHOUT FUCKIN SOMETHIN ELSE UPP !!!!!!" Because thats gooood for businesss, see ?! It means we can charge the client not only for the callout to fix the shit he wanted fixed, but also for coming out to "straighten out the consequences" , they call it "collateral damage" in military terms....Now in spite of the fact that there's no mooolah to be made outta swinginheavnin, these admirable software folks natchrally find it hard to circumvent their own long embedded software, so why dontcha rather send bill gates, that jobs guy and IBM some vicious hate-mail, they reeaaly need it ...........(and by no means am I saying that your post constitutes hate mail) ......