I'm new here and the first thing i've noticed is that this forum is where its all happening. I have read a couple and its more interesting here as to some of the profiles on here. LOL. I like some of your opinions on here and can understand some of your views. Some of you like P1B, Stamina and the bolanders (to name a few) seems like great people. I won't mind being trapped in an elevator with you for an hour or 2 ;-) I think that your guests are never board...... looking forward to get to know you all.
Well said, I just wish I could find a nice Pta couple on the forums. But why an elevator, lock me overnight inside the furniture store with some of the people here.
Welcome on board, look forward to hearing your views.
This is the best welcome i've ever received. Thanks. Still struggling to load photos but getting the hang of it.
Great to feel part of a group like you guys.
Your welcome, hope you find a nice lady here.
Welcome indeed.
Like most good families, you'll find a lot of spats and debate here.
All that is needed is an item of controversy and we're off.
Hope you have a few to add.
Also if you need info about places, toys or things, someone is bound to have the answer here.
@ MarriedBiLady
Welcome to Swing Heaven and to the Fora`s
I just about like each and everyone of the forum bunnies(the regulars) they come and go and come back again.
I am sure you will get to like each of us as well.
Welcome to the Forums, hope we one of the Bolanders mention, Yes we are a lot of people chatting debating and laugh in the pool. hope you enjoy it
Welcome. I like kitty style to lol