Says who ?????? what about US ladies...???
done it
done it
done it
done it...
yeah you guessed right...
I have done the right thing.....I have slept later than usual today!!!!
I've slept with a Blonde
I've slept with a Brunette
But with a Redhead........ not a wink.
*This is the BS Forum isn't it?*
@ gorgeous....YOU ever had kinky play called *figging* ??? seems like you *like* ginger...and this is after all a SEX site...not a food site....
@ Rumpledforskin...YOU my friend, are WELCOME to the forums and its everlasting BS......Hope to see and read more of your comments and thoughts.
I HAVE LOST A COMMENT!!!!!!!Can not find it anymore!!!!!!!
IT WAS ON TATOO`S AND VIDEO`S IT WAS A comment made by jack99 now it is GONE>>>BOOOOOOO...WHOOOOO.....
Thanks SDMR found the comment I was looking for.....
@ gorgeous....Figging you ask me about figging huh???
That is a term used for a certain way us KINKY people play with Ginger!!!!!
eish after watching that sexy video of certain people....I am now in need of my BED...and some fun.....but alas, I will just go and lie down and DREAM.....
See ya all later......keep on sexing and texting and what eva......
There was a young man from Kent,
Whose prick was so long it was bent,
To save himself trouble ,
He stuck it in double,
And instead of coming he went.....
One friend said to the other, 'What is a dilemma, actually?' •
He replied, 'Well, there's nothing better than an example to illustrate that.
Imagine that you are lying in a big bed with a beautiful naked young woman on one side
and a gay man on the other.
Who are you going to turn your back on?
bugger... that IS a dilemma! :haha:
Joke Forum moved to the BS Forum??????
My jokes ARE BS anyway.
I am very confused..... I don't remember enslaving anyone this week....
Lets test who has been listening in class.....
What goes up a downpipe down, but not down a down pipe up?