Maybe I need to post something NEAR and DEAR to the MEN!!! To get some responses.....
And if some of the ladies are like me, Well this is NEAR and DEAR to me aswell!!
I love to play with Nuts, Balls,Gonads, Nads, Sacks, Yeah testicles, what ever you want to call your precious jewels.
Have you guys and gals noticed that Most men has a smaller and a larger testicle??? Well of course you did, if not, go check it out!!! If you are lucky enough,you can just slip your pants down and lift the little babies up and check or look,if you have a bit of a tum...well do as I do...use a mirror....
BUT if you do check out your balls just to confirm what I am about to say......
CHECK and see it is MOST likely to be Left will also hang lower that the right ball THAT is to say if you do have Hangers and NOT some shrimpy marbles hiding away due to winter......(saying this with my tongue in my cheek).
So what is the verdict??