Forums are a way to ask questions, make statements and to give YOUR opinion on what ever subject is on your mind.
By posting a Forum you are opening a door for ANYONE to make a comment,whether it is good or bad or puts you in a good or bad light.
Some times you get a response you were not thinking off when you wrote your forum and this puts you in a bad makes people think that you are small minded.
If you are not explaining yourself properly in your forum and the topic you are opening up, you come across as a bigot and ignorant person.
EVEN if this is not the normal you,and you did not intend for it to become a topic of discontent.
It can happen.
Anyone is allowed to make a statement on YOUR views.
They MAY not always be right or all knowing.
And here, I take it, anyone who is commenting on forums should know and will agree we all KNOW any statement made by a comment is NOT to be taken seriously.
It is THAT persons opinion and you as the forum poster gave him or her the right to comment.
NOT by making BAD remarks toward the commenter, cause he or she did not answer you in a way you where hoping for.
Forums also have the knack that when it goes on long enough, to become a talking session on what ever someone has answered at one stage or another,thus deviating from the original forum.
Now TODAY ,I am and was made to feel I have stepped on someone`s toes and that person is making remarks on the forums that the person is to cowardly to make to me personally,(which is the adult thing to do, mail me and complain)
OR if anyone or that person feels it should be addressed as a personal slander towards his profile, to please go ahead and REPORT ME to the moderators.
Anyone else who has a problem with my RESPONSES , please DO tell me.
BUT if you do,You also have to give me a reason WHY you find it offensive.
I may even go as far as to refrain from participating in any further discussions here in the forums.
Should there be a few complains about me and my opinions.
Just blowing of steam.....