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signal to swingers

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I was wondering if any one knows if there is a signal to swingers. R
Hi Clandestine, A long time ago I proposed that, for trying to meet up as doggers, we make use of a RED ITEM (cloth, bra, panty, scarf, shirt, whatever) hung from the interior mirror of the car, or placed prominently on the dashboard. This works for daytime "remote" encounters in public areas such as parks and carparks. Others have since proposed parking with the vehicle's park lights left on. Both of these methods seem to have been taken up and adopted by the dogging community, from the many posts that I have seen. And both seem to be working as a signal method. Are you talking about meeting at "close quarters", as in a "secret-handshake" type of signal (like the broederbond allegedly had)? If so, think of something, and propose it here and promote it - who knows, you might just start a whole new fashion!! Happy hunting!
A signal would be good, like an ear ring bi;s wear, you see it and you know you are in good company wether you approach or not On the other hand this mite destroy your privacy, my wife would not like this
I've always wondered about a purple and silver ring or something along those lines
Where do you put the ring
Well the left ring finger is for marriage, why not the right ring finger for swinging commitment or the left pinky. I'm not sure since its not a thing yet.
I do believe that the red item of clothing is an event specific, dogging signal. .. pretty sure it would be wierd driving around with a red pair of panties on your rear view mirror all the time. .. and of course plenty of people already do that (have a red thing in their car) and wouldn't have the first clue that it "meant" anything. Which has so much potential for causing embarrassment ... who would even approach a person in that context?
But I've seen several articles online. Discussions in reddit and on other sites about a black ring on your right ring finger.
Then again. You won't find me wearing any Black ring. I would like to have CONTROL over who knows that about me. Where's the discretion if everyone who looks at you knows?
And tell me what would the point be? On site you can see they are swingers and what they want and more importantly what they don't want. What they are open to. What kind of pictures they put out there. .. you can KNOW something about them. Knowing that they are swingers is unhelpful if you know nothing else really. .. I mean it's not even helpful to people who don't care about the contents of profiles. .. Because you can't tell if the other person feels the same way from a ring either. More potential for massive embarrassment.
All in all. . Kinda pointless.
Quote by LeeEC
I do believe that the red item of clothing is an event specific, dogging signal. .. pretty sure it would be weird driving around with a red pair of panties on your rear view mirror all the time. .. and of course plenty of people already do that (have a red thing in their car) and wouldn't have the first clue that it "meant" anything. Which has so much potential for causing embarrassment ... who would even approach a person in that context?

Yip, the red-item identifier would only be used at the site where you are waiting / hoping to meet up! And it would be pretty much a Dogging thing, not a general swinger advert. I certainly wouldn't be driving around in general traffic with a red bra hanging from my mirror! redface And I guess there are folks who are non-doggers who might have a red bandana hanging there or lying on the dashboard, so one definitely has to exercise discretion when making contact...! Good points, Lee!!
Quote by Mike_Pta
Well the left ring finger is for marriage, why not the right ring finger for swinging commitment or the left pinky. I'm not sure since its not a thing yet.

the sea sun and air addle your brain? smile
I've personally been contemplating on putting a sticker on the back of my vehicle with our Nic (241) on display, at least people from SH would start thinking about where they saw the number 241 .. lol
I have actually thought about this for a while now. Im going to design a sticker that symbolises swingers. Not too big offcource. You can put it on your car or where ever. I will do the artwork and make up the first 100 for free to the first 100 people that want one. Here's the problem. I would like to know from all of you what you think it should look like. Any suggestions?
@georgeous Well how about a little swing? But like I said - do you all really want complete strangers walking up to you in the parking lot at the Pick and Pay, and saying "Hey! I swing! I see you do too!" Now they know you, what you drive and probably your number plate and if you don't like them or they happen to be one of those awful tossers you all keep complaining about RIGHT HERE ON THE SITE, as I said: now they KNOW YOU! How the hell do you undo that? No thanks. Georgeous; I would love to GET a sticker from you - even advertise your stickers on my new site, but I will not be putting one on my car.... Besides.. WHO puts a bumper sticker on a merc anyways smile hehehe Oh crap now all the tossers know what I drive !
I thought a little swing would look nice but I have seen one where the people put their family stickers on the back of the car and there is a little girl on it. So I don't know if we then allowed to copy it. Lee you will be the first one to receive one.... actually the second one. I'm getting the first one lol I do have a few other people in mind that I would send to but I don't want to mention names now. :swingingchair:
Put a bell on your head and ring it !!
Seriously, Why would advertise the fact that you Swing unless you're in a " Swinging Enviroment "
I'm a Bi male, I don't wear any item of clothing or wrist band announcing that.
Quote by Clandestine2
I was wondering if any one knows if there is a signal to swingers.
Reasonable opinion both sides I guess, there are some asses that would probably think it is okay to grab Mrs boob whenever they see a sticker, but normal laws still apply. But for some it would probably be nice to spot a fellow swinger and smile. It was quite interesting when we went to pick n pay funny enough while back, and a certain couple passed us at the door, we watched them on main room cam the night before. Me and mrs just smiled at them and they had no clue why , dangerous but also fun in a way as well...