share with us your favorite color to wear to feel sexy in, being male or female...does not matter please share. What is the color clothes a lady or man wears, that attracts you personally?
I have found that the color red is a very primal color (the color of love, think of Valentine day).Red is mostly used by females when they feel sexy, black a near next, white not so much as it is preceived as viginally pure. Although white in itself is very sexy to me.
Wearing sexy lingerie in the above colors makes me as a female, feel sexy although no one can see what I am wearing. If I am need a moral boost, wearing a nice color is really something I need. Not so much red as before, but really nice subdued colors lately, like a baby blue,pink,light green. BUT ....If I do open my clothing cupboard you will find mostly black and navy these days. I still retain a few sexy pieces of red. SADLY I also have to admit to my lingerie changing to be more functional than sexy!. Think of old granny beige bloomers and you have me! How sad is that?
I like men in nice jeans/leathers/ and body ink.... sexy!!! I think I always will!!! Shirt wise....a nice sexy clininging t-shirt in a color to bring out the color of their eyes, depending what the color of their eyes are. A Suit wearer, NOT so what does that say about me, I wonder....
Which gives us the next question.
Do you feel more attracted to blonds with blue eyes, or a natural red head with a nice shade of green eyes, or a brunette being it a dark brown hair to black hair with a nice chocolatey brown eyes?
I like brunettes more if I am honest, but my lovey was a natural blond with chameleon eyes...the shade changing with her to blue to gray blueish. She is now naturally grey and still sexy in my eyes!!!! She refuses to dye her hair. I myself like to change my hair color to the colors I feel like at the time, usually a tint of reds browns,gold, and black mix (so kapok hoenertjie kleur).... My lovey likes the color seagreen and If you open her cupboard that is the shade of most of her clothes. She of course ROCKS her jeans!!!!!And of course NO granny Panties for her......she wore and still does high cut bikini panties.
So share your favorite color...and what attracts you to certain ladies /men that wear certain colors. And lastly but not least, what color of hair and eyes are you attracted to the most.