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SEX & Body Modification & Tattoo`s.

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Before I go completely off rail in another forum lets start this new one. Why do you have a tattoo and what does it mean to you? What piercing`s do you have and why..... Body art...and modifications. Mike-Pta showed us some *donuts* that is apparently the *new in* thing to have done to yourself, why that is, I do not know...maybe to have a little *cup* to catch cum in I have asked jokingly, but why really?? But then,there are plenty of body modifications I really DO not know why people have it done. Like the splitting of their tongues and to have surgical balls planted into their penises. Or to carve spines and have in plants of *scales and spikes* Now tattoo`s and body paint with henna is something I understand.. I love tattoo`s and body paint as I demonstrate on my some of my olden pics. I do not have permanent body art as I am far to scared of the pain and needles. Painting with henna is more traditional, but can also give us the most exquisite *tattoo* as I had many many years ago on my leg and calve. And feet. But this is also something I can understand...donuts..NOT really. Body art can be beautiful but sometimes also depends on what the owner of the body wants to convey to the world. I also like the painting of the whole body for art sake where it seems you are wearing something but in fact you are as naked as a jay. Beautify and very artistic!!! But this is not for everyday use and wear, it is done for special occasions. I never had this done though. Permanent body modification (piercings and such) Reasons for piercing. Some people pierce for religious or spiritual reasons, while others pierce for self-expression, for aesthetic value, for sexual pleasure, to conform to their culture or to rebel against it. Piercing's is also sexy in a moderate way for me, I only have piercing's in my ears and had nipple piercing's once...damn that was VERY painful when I had that done!!! The more grotesque piercing's and modifications is what I do not understand Like tongue piercing`s ,Though I heard that the oral sex is great!!!! Intimate piercings apparently provide sexual enhancement during foreplay and intercourse Clitoral piercing`s can be done in various parts of the genitals of the women and for different effects Prince Albert Piercing`s is mostly what men go for. And I know one gent (if he is till here on SH) have had penis balls inserted into his penis. Now why in the world would people go overboard and have EVERYTHING pierced. ADDICTION addiction I heard!!! same as Tattoo`s Addiction. But a donut or bagel as I now have gone and read on the internet???? Sooooo why do you have YOURS?? and how many of what??
Master of Sex
I had a tongue,chin and belly button ring-was a bit rebellious and refused to conform i suppose. The tongue ring irritated me so was in for less than a week. The chin(inbetween bottom lip and chin) i took out when i worked as chef in 5star hotel and just left it out. The belly ring lasted couple years but took it out when i wore a certain jeans cos it kept hooking. Sadly i was not sexually active at the time so never really got to test the whole sexual part of it -Sucks. Never put it back in after i got preg. I am getting a tattoo this year because i have finally decided on my original idea-tribal cat, which has alot of meaning and symbolism (please google to check). To me its sexy and appeals to me on a deeper level, plus i think it would look good and i like showing my ankles lol
Morning Sofistikitty, I went to google tribal cats and found really nice tattoo designs and as a cat lover I *LIKE* =^_^= I also found this and it is interesting to me... Symbolic Cat Meanings Astute Clever Secretive Mysterious Intelligent Intuitive Supernatural Watchfulness Selective Independent
I have two: one on my arm and one on my back. Both mean nothing really, the one on my back I done on a dare with buddies after a night out and the one on my arm was done at a bike rally (I am not a biker! ;-). Of course I was very drunk in both instances. However, even though it means nothing in particular, I have no regrets in getting them. They remind me of who I was in my hell raiser days. ;-)
Master of Sex
Quote by Pussinboots1
Morning Sofistikitty,
I went to google tribal cats and found really nice tattoo designs and as a cat lover I *LIKE* =^_^=
I also found this and it is interesting to me...
Symbolic Cat Meanings

sounds like me lol yes i have researched on this to be sure. My favourite is always lands on feet and is stoic
I do still sometimes stick on a nowadays easy to get *stick-on* tattoo, but that is only for certain parties and play-times if I go into a *bad ass* character when I wear leathers and take a bull-whip or riding crops to play with......If you guys get my meaning... lol :lol: Sad thing is stick on tattoo`s look cheap and are not even on for a full night or day before it goes Off.A little trick I use when I do use one and it is really cheap and shows up with a little shining of where it is plastered onto the skin....I use a little face powder or a little skin concealer,it takes that shining away!!!Specially when I use it on my face or neck.
I have three tattoos. One on my back, one on the inside of my arm and one well......... Everyone can see in profile pic. All three of mine have special and sentimental meaning to me. The way I see it, if you are going to do it, consider that it's tree for life. It should be a part of you, a visual extension of you. That's what mine are to me. And yes, tattoos are addictive. I have been planning and considering my next one for some time now.
Warming the Bed
A bit late to the party but here's mine...
The first is a phrase that I've long held as my life's ambition and motto, and at the time I was considering getting a tattoo kept on popping up in various places and ways. "Je ne regrette rien" (from the Edith Piaf song) meaning 'I regret nothing', tattoo'd on my chest.
My second is a design that I've always liked and is an almost tribal (in a way) version of a yin-yang symbol. The version I have comes from the game Fable 2 and I've got it in black and white on my upper arm.
My third is on my shoulder and is a tribute to my favourite author (Edgar Allan Poe) and is the word 'Nevermore' (from the poem The Raven) where the letters make up the shape of a raven. This is again a kind of affirmation for me - and it looks totally wicked too!
I'm itching to get my fourth one done, but I'm taking my time in getting the right design together - I'm very much an ink junkie - there's something almost mystical about feeling that fleeting pain leave something permanent on you smile