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Seems like there's a lot of angry / loud profiles

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Was just going through some of the ladies profiles and it just made me think, it seems like the ladies or couples are getting a lot of grief in their inboxes, or rather getting a lot of mail from people they don't want because every other status has these CAPITAL letters that say stuff like : NO SINGLE MALES, or SAME RACE ONLY or I'M NOT INTO WOMAN!!! and others. Just makes me wonder if initially there was a cool profile that stated what they were interested in etc and that was not respected so they thought no I need to write this in bold letters. Just wanted to say understand that some of these guys /couples don't really read your profile or read it and still hoping you'll change your mind, or maybe they're judt sending generic messages. So I wonder if changing the letters to caps lock makes a difference?
You are quite right - watch out for new members - and how beautiful their profiles start out! And yes - single women immediately become inundated (at a rate of approximately 50 messages a day), with one liners that come from largely single guys under 30, with this idea that SH is a place one stumbles into and slutty "ready for fucking" chicks are gonna land straight in your lap - falling "from heaven" if you will... "HOws about a fuck?" "Yur pussy is lickable" and so forth. And people wonder why the "single women" is so frikkin rare here... Couples looking for other couples aren't exempt from the onslaught either. Personally I think an age requirement of 30 is awesome.... but hey, I'm biased... after all those wonderful one liner invites "to fuck" random teens who are so horny that they literally have lost the ability to read with their own actual eyes... and NO, the CAPS DON'T WORK AT ALL.
Hahaha hey Lee see there's a lot of PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU SEND !!!!!!! A lot of Exclamation marks too. To be honest I actually don't know why one would send a message without reading actually cause you really don't know the person from a bar of soap so what is in your message, how are you approaching this person? How do you know what this person is looking for? Lol It must be the hormones! Blinded by the hormones! Lol right after I read your message I could not believe someone would say "How's about a fuck"? That's hilarious! It's obviously insensitive and rude and all those things but it's hillarous I'm pretty sure the guy is just hoping they'll get a response like ..." A fuck? Yeah sure" *shrug " why not". Maybe it's actually worked for them before. Actually makes me wonder what life would be like if roles had been reversed, like if there were all these single women sending one liners to guys on some " how's a fuck?" As for 50 messages a day... I'm pretty sure most guys have no idea what that would feel like, that's a lot of traffic and I can understand the frustration if half of them are, one liners, winks and dick pics. The reason I'd actually bought it up is because today I saw a very refreshing newbies profile...chilled relaxed like ncaw cute..
Ok well it's seriously refreshing to discover that you're only 27! Are you nearby? We should meet you! Your tone, Your perspective. Wow. The really surprising thing is, I expect that the high number of under 30 culprits I deal with happens to be because of the close proximity of three universities. Most others would probably say age has nothing to do with it. Indeed the most awful experience I had on this site was an interaction with a guy in his I suppose I've been shown there is hope!
Refreshing? Well Lee coming from you thats actually very flattering, I can only be honoured to be referred to as refreshing from someone who has the kind of perspective you have on things, so thank you. Unfortunately I am not nearby though, I see you're in Eastern cape and I am in joburg. Look I know its very cliche to say " age is just a number" its actually a phrase thats been overused and should probably be tossed in the bin, but yes I do feel like you can have a great experience with someone thats older / younger than you, then you can have a completely different encounter with another person who's exactly the same age as that person you had an experience with before. I'm not an expert though and I don't even try to be, all i have is my view or my opinion and people are different. Although with that being said, there are certain characteristics that are similar like one would say most guys under 30 will be a certain way or have certain characteristics because they're most probably assumed from your experience so i understand where you're coming from. Oh and i thought of another reason for one liners and winks and all that. Its probably a thought process along the lines of : Send one message to the masses...someone will bite, lol and that person that bites is looking for exactly what I'm looking for.
To be totally fair its not only the single guys under 30 who are guilty of such behaviour. I've actually seen a couple (without pics or a complete profile for that matter) who goes around writing just two words on the public comments section of multiple profiles. Yes, you heard right. The same two words just hanging out there for the world to see. What two words? you ask. "Nice vagina". I wonder if its some sort of magic phrase which has the women going "OMG t(he)y commented on the niceness of my vagina. I just orgasmed twice in my pants, TAKE ME NOW" lol
Yes...also seen that one everywhere!
Hahah "Nice Vagina" awe what a compliment. These one liners and their intended purpose are actually hilarious! There should be a book, something along the lines of : The online world of swinging one liners. Publish it, stick it in the Humour section. Yes I know, brilliant idea, you're welcome, I'll be taking off 10% off the top of whoever write it, for having the idea of course. Come to think of it Since it's about one liners it would probably be a pretty short book, and I guess people who write one liners most probably don't have the time in their busy schedule or even patience to read a whole book on them and those who are on the receiving end of one liners are fed up with them. This is starting to sound less and less profitable. Abort, don't write the book! Good luck to those who still use one liners though, it may have worked somewhere maybe that's why you continue with them. To each their own.
I'm thinking that if 'one liner' writers do not even read profiles how could we expect they read the threads? If they did they would already have learned their wrong doing!
@jtrdbn you made me laugh so hard I almost wet my pants! Ha ha ha. .. I keep going back and reading your post over again to have another laugh! @Thedude26 You have no idea. Seriously, we'd still make bucks with that book- there are more non-swingers out there who are super curious. .. "The perils of online swinging sites" or "How to NEVER EVER EVER get laid" ? Though my worst has never been the one liners-those I just think are very funny. I should change this profile to single again and collect them smile It'll be a bit like a "people of Walmart" vibe. Oh oh! Let's invite every single chick on the site to contribute to an appropriately named (see suggestions above) forum thread by pasting one liners they get- that's a very clever way of shaming without naming. .. and totally legal of course! ! (I'm not suggesting that other people don't contribute too, just that we, genuine pro-swinging people, purposely invite them so they feel like they have "back up" & a place to vent - and maybe stick around longer because they feel welcome) Then soon as we have a nice collection we start sending the link to the thread in reply to all the one liners we receive! Ha ha. Adding you latest contribution first, of course! @ Adonis I'm respectfully asking if I may correct your post so that it is easier to understand.
Is it just me, or is Thedude26 use of proper grammar and spelling a turn on?
Any time Lee
Quote by Sofistikitty
Is it just me, or is Thedude26's use of proper grammar and spelling a turn on?

No, Sofistikitty, it's got to be more than that!! lol I try to use proper grammar and spelling all the time, but it doesn't seem to work for me wink He's obviously got a lot more going for him!! Like age and singleness, for starters...
Hahaha @LeeEC " how to NEVER EVER EVER (2 Evers for emphasis on the length of time it'll take to get get laid ) GET LAID! That's funny. Okay well that's a great idea! I can feel your excitement for this thread already lol! I have also found these one liners very funny, I cant believe some of them, they're brilliant! The thought process that must go into them, the analyzing (am I saying the right thing, am I reaching too much, am I being pushy ) the delivery, the commitment, the attention to detail (nice vagina) that really shows that they were paying attention when looking through the pictures. So yeah Lee like I said earlier I'm not sure what single women go through on this site but judging by the profiles it really makes them angry. Your idea would definitely make people happier ! Infact seeing as though its a good laugh it'll make us all happier. Actually as you mentioned since couples go through the same thing too it'll be great for them to have an input. Some males actually go through this too, this might be a topic for another day though but sometimes there'll just be an invite to view an album from a couple/female words exchanged... The supposed logic here is "he's a guy he doesn't need to chit chat, he needs to see images of the human body to get enticed " . @sofistikitty attractive? Why thank you miss. Is its possible that I may have found one of the keys to a woman's heart? Don't let this information out, please keep it to yourselves. Oh wait you did not mention anything to do with the heart Sofistikitty I'm jumping the gun. It may be the key to something else ;) . Thank you, it's just the way that i talk / write.
Quote by Sofistikitty
Is it just me, or is Thedude26 use of proper grammar and spelling a turn on?

Personally I think the key to site as a single male is being a gentleman. However since we can't open doors and so on over the Internet, I believe grammar is the next best way to separate yourself for the crowd as a man of refinement.
@Thedude26, maybe we should meet to see what else you have to offer ;)
Hey @Sofistikitty smile well maybe, I would only be so lucky with a lady like yourself, only thing is I'm actually not meeting people at the moment ( damn should've put that in my profile will do it now my apologies ). Flattered.
I have had a good read and thoroughly enjoyed this thread.. So many good points made here but the fact remains, very few read profiles, sadly. The caps "insertions" (all comments/requests written in Caps) just annoy those who actually read the profiles, I think! I have read many complaints regarding them from couples, married - single (the married ones who play on their own) as well as single male and female profiles. The one liners "nice vagina" or "nice tits" Really!! my public pics don't really show that much, (specifically done that way) so that would be your assumption and you will be ignored.. (dream on!) I have taken the approach, if you are going to say two words to me, make them count.. intrigue me! This is an awesome site with so many ways of being able to interact with each other, the owners make a huge effort to keep it simple and easy to use, allowing us to chat to all kinds of people, like minded or not. Why, oh Why? would you send me your number, bbm pin or e-mail address to interact with you? *Delete* goes your message and possibly *Ignore* if you are persistent. I have been here a while and I have to be honest, if a wink is all you have in you then skip right past my "awesome profile" (as it has been called) when you are already breaking the rules / suggestions I have taken the time to add to it, by sending me your number, or even a friend request. Thanks so much to the regular posters on these threads I so enjoy reading your comments and thoughts, even though I don't always offer my opinion / comment / thoughts to them. And Thedude26.. pity you don't meet I would have loved to have chatted to you sometime, but please come over and say hi in the pool. And don't forget the caps regarding your don't meet policy.. lol and had to laugh as I looked at your profile - a quick message comment - "im so wet" .... hehe did it work for you? rotflmao Have a good day all, chat again soon. C
Quote by Thedude26
Hey @Sofistikitty smile well maybe, I would only be so lucky with a lady like yourself, only thing is I'm actually not meeting people at the moment ( damn should've put that in my profile will do it now my apologies ). Flattered.

Rejection cuts deep lol
@chaturbabe I know right ? The caps lock words are very annoying, I mean I do have a better understanding for them after this thread now but still they always seem very angry and when you read a profile and see all that anger you're just like woah let me back away slowly... Lol will do chaturbabe, the pool is the chatroom right ? Just wanted to be sure. Oh and as for that " I'm wet " quick message, now love dirty talk like most people, it's a turn on, it's hot, it's all those things and more, but if that's going to be the first thing that's sent to me on quick message - "I'm wet" that's actually going to leave me puzzled, like how do I respond to this, in real life they say " atleast buy me a drink first, " so in this case lol atleast say hello first. @Sofistikitty, lol now you know a woman like yourself should never be rejected, so this was no rejection, rather I'm the one that's missing out on a lady with a lot to offer.
@ Thedude26 - yes the Pool is the main chat room wink hope to see you there sometime.
@Thedude26, Ive noticed the same, even been guilty of exclamations and capitals a few times then learnt that being specific on a profile doesnt mean you have to "scream or shout". Its very easy for anyone to perceive such a profile as arrogant or overtly entitled....tone is everything.
Welcome Slice! Nice to have some more new blood. You are quite right of course.
Welcome Slice! Nice to have some more new blood. You are quite right of course.
Thank you for the welcome. Nice to be here, hopefully we can breathe more life into these forums.
Yeah @slice_of_life exactly
So just because this is the internet doesn't mean that we only speak bingo? Phew that's a relief

Comment 1 and 3 are made by the same "couple" lol
Nice kak comments... On your profile I mean. .. lol
Haha @jtrdbn still have no idea what the plan was there with those comments...