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Reply to a msg!

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I think this time I have a valid reason to rant and rave!! Y is it so difficult to reply to a msg? Yes I kno ppl have jobs and what not, but honestly!! It takes 5 min to reply to a msg. Granted u are not obligated to reply but it would be slightly decent to reply don't u think? I'm not asking for a lot here, just some common decency. Every msg sent to me has been replied to not so? So y can't others do the same? Y is it so tough to be decent and have some manners?
longjohn89 This is a longstanding complaint from various people /profiles on are not the only one. When you sent out mail you must please take note of the following When you read a profile, 1) Does the profile say NO single males? 2) Does the profile say they will contact single males and the males not to contact them. These people/profiles most likely will ignore all mails. 3) If you send a flirt/wink is is the original wink from the site? Most everybody ignore those winks. Winks can be changed to be custom made to suit your very own personality,or a short message to introduce yourself to the profile/people you are sending the wink too. 4) If you are using the profiles quick messages (at the bottom of their written profile) most of the profiles never look there,or only once in a while. 5) Maybe you are jumping the gun and mail just after looking at the profile photos? Please read all written profiles it will give you an idea whom will answer you or not. Other little tips Always use your spell checker to see that you do not sent messages with spelling faults. Always remember a couple or single lady gets way more mail than what we know about,it is easy to get lost in that pile of mail if you do not *stand out*! I am sure the other Forum bunnies will also help give tips. Best of luck.
Very good tips. All very valid. And I'd like to add that the kind of time frame you expect an answer in may be unreasonable for the person you have mailed, and based more on your perspective and what you would do rather than what is possible for them. I often 'think' on a profile a couple of days before I respond. Usually when I'm not certain whether they quite appeal to me.
I normally include a line saying "I'm a big boy and can take rejection, so if you're not interested then let me know thanks." That normally works for me.
Quote by longjohn89
I think this time I have a valid reason to rant and rave!!
Y is it so difficult to reply to a msg? Yes I kno ppl have jobs and what not, but honestly!!
It takes 5 min to reply to a msg. Granted u are not obligated to reply but it would be slightly decent to reply don't u think?
I'm not asking for a lot here, just some common decency. Every msg sent to me has been replied to not so? So y can't others do the same? Y is it so tough to be decent and have some manners?

Take the five mins and multiply by ten who have not read your profile or have and are trying their luck, plus the ten that did not take thanks but no thanks and are trying to debate why you should make an exception for them, plus the other 20 that have built up who have spent the last month debating with you why your rules are idiotic and that you dont know what swinging actually is and it comes to a few hours a day. so now we have 40 pm's to reply to from idjuts and maybe ten who are new approaches and you looking at 250 minutes ( over four hours per day) now it is not always that bad and that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but we average around ten pm's per day excluding winks and "i'd like to know more' to reply to, the bulk we reply to 'did you actually read and understand our profile' because they are obviously outside of what we are looking for................. we dont even open the winks and the 'i'd like to know more' ones. If you want to know more, say hi and then put relevant and pertinent questions of what you would like to know, just 'i would like to know more' is kinda very vague...................
Now you skip for a few days because you have not had the time and suddenly it means that you have to set aside a few hours.
So you see why it is important to read people's profiles before you contact them, also why people dont get replies.
Quote by longjohn89
I think this time I have a valid reason to rant and rave!!
Y is it so difficult to reply to a msg? Yes I kno ppl have jobs and what not, but honestly!!
It takes 5 min to reply to a msg. Granted u are not obligated to reply but it would be slightly decent to reply don't u think?
I'm not asking for a lot here, just some common decency. Every msg sent to me has been replied to not so? So y can't others do the same? Y is it so tough to be decent and have some manners?

This is the internet, or as I like to call it "A public website" . . .
I liken peoples behavior on any kind of site to the way people behave in real life. Take a trip to the mall as an example, you are almost guaranteed that someone will walk in front of you, someone will bump into you, someone will interrupt you while you are speaking to a store assistant, a store assistant will ignore you when you ask for information . . . people in general think they are more important and significant than the next guy.
So what on earth am I on about here you ask?
Simply that people are rude (in our own different unique ways) we all have differnt ideas about what is acceptable and what is not, and that is just the way our society has molded us. The best thing we can do is learn to not let it upset us because there is almost nothing you can do about it . ..
Ok guys and girls I think once again I dunce, this time though I think it came out all wrong. PIB those are literally rules for me to follow more than guide lines. I kno from previous wasted attempts. And months of them I might add (previous accounts) I read through profiles a few times before I send any msg's and if there is no discription I try and find out more through there adds. I find so many interesting profiles and right at the end a bomb! BANG!!!! No single men. Lol but non the less mostly great profiles and I enjoy reading them. What I'm trying to say here is I make sure the prefrances match at least 5 matching prefrancess to propper about it. A lot of profiles ask for a more personal msg, not just "hey let's bone" or "I'd like to kno more" gotten a few of those and they grind my nuts! I always send a personal msg to actually get there attention or attempt to any ways. I'm aware its a public site and a community and as such should be treated that way not so? Also I'm sure couples and singles go through tons of msg every day and can't get through them all, after all it is a tiring exercise to read each msg and reply to those who grab ur attention. Hense my reason for personal msg's and never a wink or set text msg. And Mike I won't lie even though dumb shit come out my mouth when I start a thread I look forward to ur replies. Lol a comic affect is always needed lol. Can I say dumb shit more often? Lol. And even in the lol's the point is there. And mike I don't mind sharing lol
Quote by Pussinboots1
This is a longstanding complaint from various people /profiles on are not the only one.
When you sent out mail you must please take note of the following
When you read a profile,
1) Does the profile say NO single males?
2) Does the profile say they will contact single males and the males not to contact them.
These people/profiles most likely will ignore all mails.
3) If you send a flirt/wink is is the original wink from the site? Most everybody ignore those winks.
Winks can be changed to be custom made to suit your very own personality,or a short message to introduce yourself
to the profile/people you are sending the wink too.
4) If you are using the profiles quick messages (at the bottom of their written profile) most of the profiles never look there,or only once in a while.
5) Maybe you are jumping the gun and mail just after looking at the profile photos?
Please read all written profiles it will give you an idea whom will answer you or not.
Other little tips
Always use your spell checker to see that you do not sent messages with spelling faults.
Always remember a couple or single lady gets way more mail than what we know about,it is easy to get lost in that pile of mail if you do not *stand out*!
I am sure the other Forum bunnies will also help give tips.
Best of luck.

I use these not as a guideline but rather as a rule. I have read the same profiles numerous times before I start to send a mail. I usually add that a simple reply to either a yes or no would suffice. After about a week of no reply from the couple I get the idea that they not interested. I look at when they last logged on and can make my own assumptions.
Once again you are the Swingingheaven GOOGLE lol. Thank you.
Our 5 cents: We are only online on weekends which means that it may take a while for us to reply, however, we reply to EVERY mail and wink providedthat the profile sending us the mail/wink meets our profile requirements eg our profile clearly states that we are not interested in people under the age of 30 - so if someone mails us who is 28 years old stating that they would like to play, we ignore and don't reply as we feel that they are wasting our time and theirs by not reading our profile....
Hopes this helps...