try this
go into the chatroom and do nothing ,just sit there and see how many people want to talk to you ,
dont send any messages ,winks or album invites for a couple of days . just view profiles and see who makes contact .
see how many "long time no hear " messages you get .
this will tell how popular you are and if anyone realises you have gone quiet .
popular is how many want to keep in touch .
hunter or hunted ?
Depends on how you evaluate popularity on this site:
If you rate popularity according to how many people view your profile:
Upload a hot profile pic and view lots of other peoples profiles, they will all check it out if the pic is good.
If you rate popularity according to how many people message you: (and you exclude those generic 'hi i like yr profile's)
Upload a profile/ad that reads 'want to play with anyone, anytime, anyhow, anywhere, no precautions taken.
Or even better, if you're a single lady:
'Looking for socially awkward, sexually inept single guys to do anything they want with me' (hmm, will they get that?)
And as for popularity on the fora:
Spend as much time as possible writing irrelevant horseshit (like me) until the green stripe under your avatar gets to 'godlike'.
hope this helps:-D
That if you want to maintain your popularity on SH, follow the golden rule: Never, ever, ever, ever, in any form or shape, in any context whatsoever, no matter how tangential or irrelevant, mention the word "RESEARCH" !! Shit I just did it, the wrath of the inquisition is upon me......
Repent, repent, I wonder what they meant....
have been in chatroom for over 2 hours and '3" friends visited chatroom and only "1" apppoached
Popularity is for people you have no self-confidence and believe their self worth is valued on how others value themselves.
Personally I'd rather forget about popularity and make sure I enjoy myself.
I must be shit popular, oh no wait it's just cos I have a single female profile :/
Plenty sexy single girls out there, BUT none of them wear such a cool hat and few of them use vowels like you do, scary to imagine them in the throes of passion going mmm, nnn, hhh, kkk etc.
Btw, really intrigued, blonde? of mixed origin?, how's that happen?
If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun
Since I am AWOL most of the time these days...... I am NOT popular at all....hench me Sitting in a corner biting my toenails due to this sad situation....
The Forae and chatrooms are really places where ideas are swapped and have very little to do with swinging
Popular? Really?
It's not really something I've ever cared about. I'm really interested in the opinions of only a select few.