I have seen lately a lot of picture post, where the users are exposing information about them self's, with out knowing they are doing so. Let me Explain
Be Mindful of your background, with todays technology, social media, image search and image enhancement a lot of personnel information can be collected with out the user posting it, knowing.
Things to look out for when taking or editing it before posting a picture.
Medication (bottles or packets) on your night stand (All your information, name, address and cell numbers are on there)
Family, Work or kids school pictures (chances are you posted them also on Facebook, or other sociomedical site, with a image reverse search they can find it)
Award, Diplomas or Trophies
Work Uniforms, Business' Cards or Company Branded glasses or
Tattoos it is becoming more and more easier to track tattoos back to there owners every where on the web.
Also face Id and Tracking is a thing.
Messages on your fridge or any notice or reminder boards in the house.
Selfies in a Car (there most of the time a lot of information in your car)
So when posting pictures in public(or private) keep this in mind, the site has all the need extra tool in edit to blur out or hide things on picture.
Also any gps , time, phone or camera info in picture (Meta Data) is deleted when uploaded to site. Just be responsible and mind your back Ground.
Be Safe and I hope this helps a little