Yes - he's definitely addicted but - If you go find Dr Oz's site you will find a very interesting 4 part video clip about the affect internet porn has on a man's brain and sex drive.
If it were me I would download those clips and leave them on the desktop for him to see.
Also - I'd tell him that he wasn't satisfying you anymore so you're thinking about going out and finding it somewhere else. If he freaks use it as leverage to stop the porn thing.
Porn can be great for some couples. Note *couples*
If watched together, for the sake of seeing what is out there, and finding out what turns each other on, it can be a great catalyst for self- and partner-discovery.
That is not what Rain seems to be going through.
From what I am reading, the hard part for Rain, is the sense of rejection that she is not good enough. That he gets off on looking at "hairy mature" and not at her - a beautiful real lady!
And knowing that he prefers the screen to real life is a painful thing for woman to experience!
There is no easy fix here, as there could be a variety of reasons why this is happening...
Good Luck Rain! Let us know how the Desktop thing works for you.
Hopefully, if nothing else, it will start the conversation about your pain.
Everyone has given good answers and some advice to Rain.
I however wonder about things in a different way.
I wonder if the gent in question has a job,as he wants Rain to go to work so he can surf he contribute to the household?
He is only having sex halfheartedly with even has problems with getting an erection with Rain.
Why is there a HIDDEN camera in Rains house?
I always say we only hear ONE side of a situation,not from both parties, sides.
Best is for Rain to go and sit and think on these questions, then when she comes up with what she thinks is wrong, then she will know what to do,even if it is Difficult and hard to do.
Makes me wonder if he is NOT really that into Rain all that much anymore,but only stays cause she *enables* him.
My only advice Rain is.
Be prepared for problems and even a *break up* if you do confront your boyfriend.
Be honest with yourself when you sit and think about the questions I posted.
No need to answer me on them, just ask yourself those questions.
I do however understand the feeling you are going through,Rain, that feeling of rejected.
@ joyrider, I read your comment and it made lots of sense to me, as it opens up a lot of thoughts, as to the*what the reason might be* coming from a man`s viewpoint.
Hi Rain
Hope you got my pm. This is not a wierd situation at all. I know of literally thousands of women and men affected in similar ways. One more observation to add now with your second commentary. If he is religious, there is another additional aspect of shame here. Anyone who is truly ashamed of something they are doing, is gonna find it really difficult to get past that feeling. Most of our "shame" responses come from childhood experiences, programming, if you will. Extremely difficult to 'undo' or 'reset'.
Add to that the helplessness most addicts feel around the issue of controlling their urges. . I completely get why he is behaving in this way. Of course they is not to say that status quo should be accepted or is in any way ok or acceptable.
There are a number of strategies I've given people to deal with this kind of situation. Each scenario has its own specific dynamics so some strategies work better for some.
joyriders advice, though well meant and not actually bad, is impractical in a lot of these situations. It's not like a 40 something white woman can make herself into a 20 yr old old Indian girl, or somehow become suddenly into bondage, or for that matter grow a cock or change herself into Asian twins. So nice advice, but often not really helpful, and if that's the only advice you get, extremely frustrating and soul destroying in contexts like these.
There are ways to help him and you,and possibly save the relationship - because please don't fool yourself, a situation like this is not merely inconvinient, it can certainly result in the end of things.
Sterkte. Please do not hesitate to msg me for more specific help.