New game everyone: This is a manipulation of one we used to play at varsity at our traditional friday night braai; there were three girls who were required to master this challenge.
Everyone at the braai was tasked with thinking up words which had as little to do with sex as posible and the girls had to get to "sex" in as few word association jumps as possible:
UMBRELLA - open, legs, sex
STOVE - hot, sex
BUCKET - water, wet, sex
JACKET - clothes, off, naked, sex
So, I figure, a forumite can put forth a challenge in the form of a word, anyone who manages to get it in less than 4 jumps then puts forth the next challenge...
NB each word in the list MUST be associated with the previous word in the list, not the ORIGINAL challenge word.
(Bucket - is related to - water - with relates to - wet - which is associated with - SEX!)
Lets see who has the dirtiest mind