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So, as I have nothing of interest or value to add to the current forums, I figured I would start my own silly Every now and then, when I am taking a break from actual work, I log onto the forum in the hope that one of you has added/commented/done something on the fora that will distract me for a few moments.... Only to discover that NO-ONE has anything to add! Then I get disappointed, and wait until the next opportunity for me to log on and check again. Am I the only one who does this?? Now I realise I am one of the culprits that read, think to myself *that's awesome, wish there was a LIKE button* and move on.... I always comment when I have something to add... but that is not often. At one point I logged on and there were 10 people in the forums, and none of us had anything to add? Just thought I would make some of you happy to see a new forum and a little green icon :twisted: ;) C
Same here KC Treating this site like FB......
If I were treating this site like fb, I would login once every two months! That was kind of you KC
Well said KC I find myself doing the same too. I've also noticed that it seems to be the same group of people that tend to post on the fora (not that I'm complaining - love reading what you all have to say).
Thanks KC_ sometimes it feels as If I live here! I get desponded and bored when old topics gets opened up and repeated and NOTHING really new is being said. So even this saying a little of nothing, is something I enjoy reading. I actually went to a previous place where I blogged *FAR TO MUCH*, reading through them and deciding which of them I want to dust off and bring over here to see what new comments is given. But you do have your own blogs in your mind , just share them , nothing is right nor wrong. Write what you want,we all will just be glad to have something new to read.
The problem is taking 3 names out of the forum and there will be totaly nothing in the forum exept for the few people try and chat or find out of dogging places. Go and do some search, playing arround with the filters and sorry for the single men, about 75% of the members on the site are single men, and there intrest is not chatting in a forum but looked at nude pics and see how many women they can shagg in the sorthess time. Exacly the same happend in the pool, if we can find out how many couples and single women are off the site, it will shock some people. I can put up pages of profiles who left the site saying its long ago not a swinging site anymore. The problem are that that was the people who was intrest in the forum try and chat about the livestyle and meeting other livestylers
The more effort they put in the more they get out and it can become habit forming I am amazed at the blokes sending a wink or a wanta fuck mail and expecting results, does this ever happen Use what is available and build up an image and the results will come, you will be noticed if you are around and active
Whenever I get a gap - I quickly visit the Forum too - expecting another post! And guess what? I always find one of you doing the same! rotflmao
I too much prefer this site to Facebook and find myself popping in for a quick update much more often than I'd care to admit! Just guilty of not contributing enough sorry!smackbottom
You said it Terry, let us hear more from you
This is my new addiction! Are there any AA group meetings for this addict? drinkies
Lol! SH forums have definitely become an addiction for me. I so look forward to seeing what has been added since my last log in! Let me know when and where these AA type meetings will be held :twisted: ;) C
FB is so freaking vanilla.... its like the good humor factory We love reading the forums here. Found that the regular contributors do a great job of keeping it interesting and topical. So I guess we are lurkers. Sometimes there really is nothing add. Perhaps the challenge is to lure more contributors like PIB often does with bribes? Well done to all the regular contributors!
We have only recently started reading the forums and commenting/adding our opinions......we are hooked lol Now we look for new topics to comment on: we really enjoy a debate on contentious is highly entertaining (and sometimes quite disturbing) to see how others view the world....... Give us more topics!!!!! Pleeeeease????
just a thought, is the "lack" of new posts/topics perhaps not got something to do with the majority of the people (like the regulars who have posted on this one) not really being "talkers" and more "do-ers" ?
I do think that there is a lack of topics to talk about. As long as it has something to do with the swinging community. Once you start putting everyday topics like a recipe forum or current affairs like the Oscar Pistorius we might lose the plot As it will be similar to a social media. Any comments perhaps?
Quote by georgeous
I do think that there is a lack of topics to talk about. As long as it has something to do with the swinging community.
Once you start putting everyday topics like a recipe forum or current affairs like the Oscar Pistorius we might lose the plot
As it will be similar to a social media. Any comments perhaps?

Yes! Topics must relate to reasons of SH being here! But the odd deviation can be "tolerated"!
We have started all the topics which we have thought of so far... Surely the newbies have questions which they want to ask? Ideas they are curious about? Thats where new topics get formed and participation comes from. As soon as something else peaks my interest/curiousity I will post another topic... Until then, if you have something to add, do not wait for someone else to bring up the topic! ;) C
Quote by SDMR
just a thought, is the "lack" of new posts/topics perhaps not got something to do with the majority of the people (like the regulars who have posted on this one) not really being "talkers" and more "do-ers" ?

Well I venture that the number of "last logged in 90 days ago" notes on profiles and ads, and the number of people who still in the chatrooms, would suggest that there are for more "talkers" than you estimate on this site lol