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never mind

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Ms Amazon, What I am about to say may sound rude, JUST know It is not meant that way, but more that you MUST go and sit and think before just letting everything about your personal life be known to STRANGERS!!! I am greatly sorry to see and read things that goes on between you and your hubby! I for one would NEVER post these issues here!!! To me ,this kind of posts is private issues that should be between the both of you and NOT for open discussion by strangers like us! I now have read three separate issues on different fora,that is really showing you and your hubby in a negative light to Me.(I am talking only of myself, but I am sure if others are honest they will agree with me) Those posts, I myself thought off as very private issues of yours,somethings that is not really of interest to or for US know or to read. I, for one would think that you both should sit down and have a good communicating system between the both of you. BEFORE you jump in and post these issues for the world to read and know! Heck go and see a counselor if the need is there!!!!! Just know that issues like these is issues that is NOT something couples (even us singles)are looking for on this site. It says baggage and big problems!!! So most of us will steer very far away from you guys. What I read in your hubbies *mail* to you is someone who is struggling to let you know that you need not be JEALOUS and for you to know that he loves you no matter why would you be mad??? I am so sorry to have to say this,and once more,I may sound rude, but you really need to go sit and think and grow up a enjoy what you have. Not many ladies have a loving husband.
To be honest and really not rude and/or offensive but apart from your poor spelling and vocabulary your presence on this site confuses me.........
Quote by amethyst
To be honest and really not rude and/or offensive but apart from your poor spelling and vocabulary your presence on this site confuses me.........

Was the reference to spelling and vocabulary necessary?
Ek kom forum toe om te kom leer, en vra te vra as ek nie verstaan nie. N dokter kan nie altyd vir n mens die antwoorde gee nie want hulle is nie betrokke met swinging nie, en wie beter as iemand wat in so n situasie was en is kan mens vra vir raad nie. Is julle wat al jare in die swinging is nie veronderstel om mense soos ek wat deur al die emosies gaan, te help en raad te gee nie. ????? Of is die forum net daar om oor sex te praat, en hoe lekker dit is om te swing? So daar is nie plek vir ons vrouens wat graag ons mans wil bystaan en help nie, ons moet maar net smile en le. Daar is nie plek vir diep sake praat nie. Ek het geweet jy gaan weer n issue he met my wat iets persoonlik hier plaas puss.. maar laat ek jou een verskil gee van die site en die fetish site, daar sou hulle my nie met klippe gegooi het nie. Maar raad gegee het. Al het jy dit nie bedoel soos dit klink nie en al verstaan ek dat dit persoonlik is. Moes ek dan die issues met swingers op die bdsm site gaan sit het ? of moes ek met my dokter oop kaarte gaan speel het en vir hom gese het wat aangaan? Na wie toe kon ek gaan????????????????? Vir my spelling ,, my hart is gebreek, die laaste ding wa oor ek sorry is, is my spelling. Julle vra vir mense om te post op die forums, want dit is net altyd dieselfde mense wat post. Maar ek verstaan nou hoekom niemand anders as net julle post nie.
More, Amazon Ek is ook van die wat eerder my bek hou en maar net baie van die kommentare lees op die forums en my kop skud. Ek wil net graag die volgende vir jou se: Eerstens, die oorspronklike "post" was al af, so ek weet nie waaroor dit was nie, maar soos PiB lees ek ook al n ruk jou boodskappe. Nou ek het al baie jare ondervinding in die leefstyl (en nie net van agter n rekenaar sit nie) van swinging en die lewe se probleme. Soos enige iemand anders het ek en my beter helfte ook ons probleme gehad, maar dit maar uitgepraat en voort gegaan. Daar is baie keer dinge wat ek wil doen wat sy nie voor kans sien nie en anderste om, en al hoe ons daaroor kon kom is daaroor gesels, tot n vergelyk kom of mekaar se vrese sien en dit eerder nie doen nie. Nou voor ek heeltemal babbel en probeer klink soos n verhoudingskenner, los ek dit daar vir ingeval ek die pot heel mis sit. Tweedens wil ek maar net se ek ken vir PiB baie goed, nie net van agter n skerm nie, maar ook van ontmoet by geleenthede en ek sien ons as vriende. Sy is een van daai dames wat altyd neutraal probeer bly en haar opinies beskou ek meer neutraal, positief en "unbiased" (ja, vir die ander, moer my nou maar met n pap snoek oor my spelling en engelse gebruik) as enigiemand hier op die forums. So sy het dit regtig nie in n negatiewe bedoel nie. Sy is een van daai wat die voetspore al diepgetrap het, nie soos meeste hier wat dink hulle het nie. Sy is n ongelooflike bron van kennis en ek dink jy sal baie meer waarde en ondersteuning vir jou probleme kry as jy bv vir haar persoonlike boodskappe stuur en hulp vra. Jy moet ingedagte hou, jy vra hulp op n middel wat jy nie die mense aan die ander kant ken en of hulle eens genoeg ervaring het om jou te hulp te staan nie. Meeste hier wil net iets te se he, al weet hulle niks nie. (Nie almal nie! Maar ongelukkig is hulle daar) Dis soos om op n oop forum mediese hulp te gaan vra. Jy weet nie of die persoon aan die ander kant n dr is of eerste jaar student in verpleging nie. Jy sal ook altyd die kry wat jou ernstige vrae opneuk oor onbenullighede soos spelling, alhoewel hulle dink hulle doen jou n moerse guns. Aan die een of twee ander wat nooit iets opbouend kan se nie, of nou weer met hul fancy woorde wil kom probeer slim klink en alles kritiseer, as julle nie die dame kan help met haar probleme nie, gaan irriteer iemand anders.
a posting like this breaks my heart. and yes the lady has a point we as swingers should also sometimes try and help with advise. i know the saying says sometimes you got to be cruel to be kind, but that saying is wrong. in a case like this where we can see someone needs help or is asking for help. we as swingers should try and stick out a hand and help by giving advise, but not get too involved in the problem its self. on some sites there is swingers that help new swingers. help them to understand what happens and what does not happen emotionally wise and to ask them is that what they really want. and the reason i say this is not every cpl is the same. because like you ladies have said in many topics. the reason why you started to swing is you wanted to please your partner. and some ladies also want to do that but they dont know how to deal with the emotions. we should be here to help and guide new swingers so that they too can enjoy the finer things of life. well maybe that is just us as a cpl that has this mind set. joyrider communication in swinging is the main corner stone wink
From where I stand and what I read is a couple on here that is swinging but they have serious trust and communication issues which is a recipe for disaster. My reference to vocabulary and spelling is important as those two components make what I read in my mind and how I perceive her questions.
What the fuck....another one of these... Lets just all agree to start World War III
To EVERYONE Who has replied to this forum AFTER it has been removed!!!!! I stand with what I said in my comment. It is unfortunate that the lady removed her direct post from her hubbies mail TO HER PERSONALLY,I will answer her directly later when I have a little more time. @ SDMR. The lady is getting the same input some others got over the years in this fora,due to their lack of using the spellchecker. @ amethyst, you are right people should speak in the language they feel most comfortable with, so that no misunderstanding happens. I myself are Afrikaans,I use the spell checker before I am not fully bilingual.I am not ashamed to admit to yeah *trust and communication issues in a multitude of ways* is the makings of disaster !!!And it is not helping that that personal issues is thrown and paraded in front of a LOT of strangers. @ Gumboots. I humbly thank you, for the very nice things you say about me and for verifying that I am not just a voice behind a computer waardeer dat jy die tyd gevat het om ook jou opinie te ja, jy is reg ,ek probeer altyd diplomaties wees sonder om iemand se persoon aan te val. Groot *hug* vlieg jou kant toe! @ Joyrider. You are correct that newbies need help and I talk for ALL of us HERE, we are and always will be prepared to help ANY new person/people if they ask relevant questions to swinging with out wanting to be self exonerated about situations in their personal life,THAT has nothing to do with exploring the lifestyle. And I know for a fact that the lady has had numerous *Help*and Direction into understanding the lifestyle. I also know that she was offered *help*/referrals in her personal LIFE,should she only wanted to reach out and take it. @ Flagg...Nope NOT Wold WarIII More likely wold war 10.......
Amazon, Please reach out to any one of the people who have personally offered help and who you feel that you can trust with your personal issues. This thread appears to have too much temptation wrapped up in it to make someone into a victim, so I'm going to close this thread now. I do agree with PIB, if anyone wants to discuss something personal, please word it in a way that the question is generic and non specific, so that you aren't inviting people (more often than not, unqualified) to dabble in your personal life. Thank you for all the comments, I hope in some of them, there was some value to the OP.