So I'm interested to know what you think?
Long-term partnerships vs one-night-stands; quality of sexual experience?
What does your experience indicate for you?
One-night stands hold excitement, but that doesn't always translate into good sex, sadly more often than not, it leads to frustration and disappointment...
K and I have been together for 9 years, and in that time we have learnt each others' bodies. K can get me coming all over the place in just over a minute... and then I don't stop coming... This has yet to happen as quickly from other lovers...
That is the beauty of swinging. Once you find playmates where you all work well together, you get to learn how to please each other, and discover different techniques....
Totally agree with C's sentiments above. The more you know and understand each other's needs, the better it gets. But the adrenaline rush for a "once off" is generally a lot higher!
One night stands leave a person disappointed, with my mr he has gotten to know my body so knows exactly how to,when to and just how much. So I'm always satisfied or begging for more. The intimacy between a long term couple is more intense to, so the sex is more intense