We once touched briefly on this subject. Gorgeous wives - troll husbands.
It is a fact that women age faster (or sooner) than men in general. Women have to work alot harder than men to retain their beauty in the later years. But obviously not all men have this luck. Many look 50 when still in their 30's. It is mostly ok though because a man can pull off a distinguished and mature look and that can be attractive to the fairer sex. Then there are the vast majority that totally let go after mother nature takes over. Many females are guilty of this too but that is for another discussion.
I browse the gallery often. I see super hot milfy wives... Coupled with Shrek! Gorgeous lady in her forties, gym toned, tanned, great complexion, lovely hair, etc. But hubby is a fat, half bald, hairy backed ogre! Boep that serve as a table for the drafts he keeps knocking back on a daily basis. Wife publicly declares her unconditional love for hubby because he is a "great guy". What a lot of crap! For those men that fit my description above: Your super model of a wife does not tell you what she really thinks. She loves you yes, but loved the slim, trim younger you much more. She keeps herself desirable and you pack away the spare ribs and chicken wings like its oxygen. Men are way more visually stimulated than women, but that does mean that women don't care at all about looks.
My point is that a man that expects his trophy to remain just that and then does not put any effort in to retain some looks is selfish. Is it fair that as a short, fat, man with a mustache can enjoy a sexy slim, trim wife riding him at night, but she has be content with a sweaty, large walrus on top of her pounding away? I see this on the site and out in everyday life. I get envious, wondering "how the hell did he get a woman like that"???
I have to keep a sexy 22 year old happy and interested. I look after myself and it is worth the effort. If I see a bit of weight gain around the mid section, I eat raw carrots for a week and lay off the strip of fat edged on the side of a juicy rump steak. It is not difficult at all. Hit the gym! R99 a month won't bankrupt you!
Please note: this post is not for happy couples where are satisfied with the partners looks and both are "larger"... This for those have models for wives and don't put in the effort to match her looks. Think about this: Your wife loves you no matter what. She does not however enjoy entering the hall at her sisters wedding, looking like Sandra Bullock holding Shrek's arm. If your wife suggested swinging, now you know why!!
Want to agree with Gumboots.
No backlash... My post was general and not aimed at any one specific. But you have to admit, I have a point. I don't know what your wife thinks of you, I just believe many hot wives would prefer their men to look good too.
No offence to gumboots but I checked the profile and it is not in the category that I am referring to. Adonis, you are also not under that category. Please understand what I mean. When I say HOT wives, I am talking super model class. Cindy Crawford's better looking sister. Don't take that the wrong way either please. Your wives are not ugly. But I am sure you understand what I mean. Really fat, ugly, bearded beasts with extremely gorgeous wives... Everyman says his wife is gorgeous but that that is not what I mean here...
Stamina not that i disagree what you said, our experience rather be normal and honesty and open to each other than Barbie and her friends and not happy in the bedroom.
Not many couples can genuine brag on there sex life, they brag to impress the people who want to listen
@ Stamina
I know LOTS of bearded larger men with the most beautiful wives and boy are they HAPPY!!!!!!!
LOOKS ONCE again does not really count except to a few superficial people.
I myself can be classed as letting *herself go*and my sexy slim girlfriend still loves the shit out of me!!!!!!! I know this because she absolutely shows me every day by doing little things and carrying me on her need not say it.
As for making love to a really *model* kind of person.......NO thanks.....mostly they are so INTO themselves that they think they are doing YOU some honor by just letting you fuck them...THEY are lazy fucks, just lying there and receiving....Most certainly not great in the sack....HOW DO I KNOW THIS????? I had my moments !!!!!!!
As for checking out Gumboots profile...YOU my dear have not met the couple , I Gummies wife is super sexy!!!!!!!MAYBE not the same as a starved junked out superficial *model* type trying to stay on top of the game, but she is in a class of her own.
*Models* I have found, is mostly just skin pulled over bones with great legs and a nice face. AFTER make up sometimes really know there are before and after facts in everyone's live.
It however is great if you try and keep fit for your girl friend.
Oh Stamina open your eyes!
In general you will find that the fat bald guy has a bank account you could only ever dream of and the hot chick has a vacuum between her ears! When the fat guy looses his fortune on the stock exchange, she'll dump him. When she ages and ceases to be so hot, he'll replace her with another! They deserve each other!
And so life goes on........
So, Stamina revived an old talking point, but with a slightly different spin.
He (yes, you Stamina) brought the beard into question. So ladies, what is your take on men and facial hair?
I could copy / paste what I posted under "Matters of size" here but it applies to curvy ladies.
At 47 I'm in as good a shape as ever (but nothing special), more capable of performing and with more imagination than ever. Yes I have stamina too. Thanks to my current job, I get a mental and physical workout up to 29 days a month up to 12 hours a day. I have always stayed out of the sun, never smoked and people generally judge me 5 to 8 years younger than I am.
None the less my hair is letting me down (I'm not getting a Glue on hair piece like Kallis) and I've spent enough money on my teeth to go on a nice boat trip.
All of this does not mean that people will find me attractive or sexy.
Woman are just as attracted to personality and aura, as by looks.
Money, yes but ability, talent, power and influence even more.
Why do you think Mick Jagger is still a hit. That Dude has always been ugly.
As PIB said, we have had enough experience to know that looks are more often than not a handicap.
Yes it's easier to hang from the chandeliers if you skinny, but does that take much imagination?
Why does having a good Shape and Size always come up?
Is swinging not about different experiences or is it about the same experiences with different faces?
But most of all!
Why is lady Gumboots not Bi? :sad:
Nimfie would love her! :twisted: