When you are young you only notice the beautifull people
as you grow older you notice the beautifull in all people
Such wise words.... and true since I've never been one of those 'sexy skinny' girls guys usually noticed first....I've always bee the 'other friend'.
Have observed how as we age the once important things now seem fruitless and even silly sometimes as we learn with age to apreciate the inside beauty of all things not just people....
I was the damn *friend* who set everyone up with my men buddies.
Until a certain *older gent*....then my life changed dramatically.
E_N ..................
I agree, when I was still in school, I was the fatty,still am...
I will never be a beauty and now with age and everything sagging and more wrinkles I care to have...people have to get to know me to like me.
Now ,I just do not care anymore....;-) take me as I am or leave me...
I used to be all the girls best friend in school. They liked being friends with me, but never thought of being in a relationship with me.
Whatever relationships I had in school were few but well cherished.
The guys in my school that were popular in schools, you should see now. They not hunks anymore. Balding, overweight, and very different attitude.
I am still myself to this day. Still got hair on my head. People love me. I have always appreciated beauty. Not only in looks, but in everything else.
Young girls don't really appeal to me. They still have a lot to learn about the world..
Beauty is within and shines radiant in every person.
This picture comes more clearer as you get older and I am thankful for seeing that.
So ladies. I will admire you always. Every woman is sexy in many ways.
Such a lot said
As a young man I noticed the beauty queen had dozens off admirers but there in the corner ws a plain girl all alone, and soon we were away in the dark being naughty whilst my friends never got a hit