I see there was once again a fora on penis size and how to measure
I am finally am catching up ....
Well not in the the way you guys might think,me growing a sudden huge monster cock...I (as a female) do have one, but it is really, really, itsy bitsy tiny !!!and in my case it is called a clit.
Now you guys are bemoaning your size cock all the time, do you measure up or do you not measure up...what we woman like or not like..to the really insecure guys who is always wanting to know *is my cock size* enough???To those who likes to BRAG about their enormous cock....
I am not going to answer ONCE again about *cock size not really mattering* cause it really does not.
And we always have the same fora/forum every few months...all about cock size!!!!
But do you guys know what you some how always forget to mention???
BALLS OR TESTICLES ....or what ever you would like to call them.
ME , I LOVE BIG ,huge hanging loose skinned balls!!!
I like the feeling of them slapping against my ass in missionary style or pussy when in doggie style.
I like to fondle them and feel them slipping around in their skin.
I like to suck on them(tea bagging it is called)
I like to suck them into my mouth and actually have them POP out through tight lips.
I like to nibble on them and MOST of all....
I just love the looseness/stretchy-nest of the skin of the testicles when I am playing my KINKY games with them!!!!
and I do have numerous kinky ways in which I play with them.
Now men will thing what the heck is the matter with this woman??
But let me tell you guys ,there are some guys who LOVE it when a lady play with their testicles. (well other gents/or themselves could of course play with your balls)
Anyone out there who has the same love and feelings for testicles/balls as me??
Or for that matter what are your thoughts on this topic??
I agree and love it when mine gets sucked(tea bagging).
Fitting avatar dont you think PIB1?
@ gorgeous I love the new avatar....and boy, I could play for hours with those low hanging *canon* balls.....and if I ever find a male willing to dip his balls in some paint just for me .................wellllllllllll.........................
@ smalltoy
That is all that really matters, that YOUR cock give you pleasure!!!!well and who ever is playing with you!
But you also know by now and hopefully has seen, how a forum topic can change, as everyone adds something.
@ joyrider..
he ,he, better to try and kill it with a *ball or a pair of balls* might go better if there is a cock around,ermm I meant, rooster.
I hear all you say
I am happy with what I have and more important so is my wife
Every two or so months I treat her and invite a friend with a very very thick cock around wich she enjoys very much but it takes her days to recover
@ voyeur1105
Yeah, BUT do you like your *balls/testicle* to be played with??
And does your lovely like *balls/testicle play* as much as I do???
Eish, it appears that I am the only one to have a testicle fetish??
Even the men does not say what they like or not like......
Like looking at balls but dont like mine played with, can be eina
PiB, you are not the only lady who enjoys playing with balls.
I enjoy playing with them, pulling on the skin (gently), tea bagging, and all round ball play.
But I am very tentative when playing, as I have been told that I get a bit eager, and the play can be painful for K.
He still lets me play with him this way, as long as I dont hurt him, but I am not about to play with anyone else's balls and sack incase I hurt them!
Joyrider: I thought your comment was supposed to be from a man's point of view. When did you loose your cock and balls, grow tits and a pussy in order to provide the motivation behind women's actions? Are you really surprised that people don't respond to you positively in the chat rooms, and to your private messages, when you make comments like this?
@ KC_ One never knows if the gents likes testicle play, if you do not try,I myself will of course start out very gently and easy...as each gent has a certain way you are to touch and play with his learn your partner the more you play with him. And YES it is a very sensitive part of a man`s anatomy.
@ joyrider
What you are basically is telling us, some of us ladies (is just like some men also) we do not explore and try new things, we keep to the old certain way of what we know men like.
But I disagree, we ladies are not really selfish,just looking for our own pleasure. We may be just like some men, we might just need a little guidance in certain ways.
So why not tell the lady you are playing with ,what you like and dislike,Groans and Moans also is a good indicator that we are doing something men like.
I've tried some of the play before, but only when Mr E is in the mood since his balls sometimes are bit sensitive. But I love running my finger over this one particular spot at the bottom of them. It feels very soft almost like velvet. I always when giving a bj to some one feel to see if they have a similar spot, but have not yet found another gent with it!
Mrs P you is you are a one in a kind you understand what a person is saying or try to say. Where some ladies......... No let me just stop here with what i was about to say.
aaaaggg i just think i am like a thorn just looking to poke someone one (good away or bad way)
PIB you can play with my balls any day, I just love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just this weakend I was brousing on another sire, American, all the men state they had cocks 9 to 12 inches
Now I ask you, I read that the average american male cock is 5.1 inches, so maybe wishfull thinking or are we South Africans left out
Of the many friends we have had over the years we had 1 10",he was not so good in bed, a number of 8", more 7", she likes them best but mostly 6"
why women can't read maps:
they think this:
Is 8 inches!!
... That most guys who THINK their cocks are big.... make less effort because they have an overestimation of the VALUE of the size of his cock (to the woman in question)
I understand about the connection between 'ego dicks' and their 'huge cocks'! And I can see that if you have a huge cock it is something you want to show off - like a model that's showing off her/his bits and pieces! So if you have something to show off - keep in mind you still have to focus on other things as well!
BTW .... If you have this over sized / above average / humongous cock, what can you really DO with it? - other than showing off? - other than having ego issues? Is it really practical?? :twisted:
And I have checked a dude at Sexpo painting with his !!!!!!!!!!!
Broused a profile and as he gives his equipment as large i looked at his pics to see this
He will be lucky if it is 5"
Yes and if it is closer to the cam it looks huge