So I thought I would share a small review here.
This is once more related to the field of cleaning up down below, shaving vs waxing. Well I was in discem recently and I saw something called hairGo. Now I've tried the stuff from veet (never again) it didn't work out, but this product had a fairly large range. They have a regular, Man version and a sensitive option. I decided what the hell, let me try the sensitive skin one and see what happens, cant be worse than veets torture paste.
So I got home and slathered it on around my balls and all and that was it, no case of hell setting my balls on fire or anything. 5 minutes later I was cleaning off and I was the smoothest I've every been. Granted shaving is faster but I'm very happy with the results.
They also have an aftershave thing to prevent ingrown hairs for shaving, waxing ect. The idea being that it softens the hairs or something, now that is for the brave since that got very warm indeed, not uncomfortable but enough for you to turn the shower on cold in case it decides to turn up the heat.
Still it's a 5 out of 5 from me for the sensitive hair removal option. Discem also has a 10 rand once off pack for sale (what I got) so it that expensive to give it a shot.
I am very reluctant to put any hair removal cream on my sack . . . usually just get burned.
But, you say it works. . . . . . . what the hell, if it doesn't it's only a week I have to deal with . . .
Well the ingrown hair cream was worse and that you don't rinse off so this stuff was pretty tame. I would still try keep it away from my brown ring though just in case.
Sorry katniss all I could find was this
Funny thing though is I think this stuff is actually for woman.
My wife's sister has a lot of kids
Her son had an argument with his sister and she got him back
Mixed nair with his shampoo
I'm sorry, I believe that rule was under the chatroom.
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Got the HairGo from Dischem, and will give it a go.
Shaving is a schlep, so anything that I can use that doesn't entail me trying to contort my body to get to the hard to reach places is a bonus.
I will try it around the area that you didn't want to use it on.
The worst that it can do is result in my death, right?
@ Pez you also have to come tell us the results I hope!
Me, I might go buy it to use on my mustache......
Good to hear, I'm looking forward to your thoughts
Took the plunge, and tried HairGo Sensitive.
I didn't know whether to shake the bottle or not, so gave it a good shake in case.
After that I noticed that the cap has a safety seal on, which I had to take off.
By that time the contents had probably gone to sleep, so I gave the bottle another good shake, just in case.
I decided to grab the bull by the horns, and proceeded to pour a liberal amount of the white goo into my hand.
The first place I slathered the cream on, was around the brown pucker, perineum, then over the balls, and finally around the dick and up, making sure to catch the join of legs and torso, which is often a schlep to shave.
After waiting about 6 minutes, I stepped into the bath, and rinsed thoroughly.
Maybe a bit too thoroughly, as I started feeling an itchy, slightly tingly feeling, particularly on my scrotum and in the crease of legs and torso.
It turns out I was washing a bit too enthusiastically, as I was using a defoliating glove.
*Note to self - use a sponge next time.*
I shaved a few days ago, and all the literature I have read indicate that the hair should be at least 5-10mm long for the product to be effective.
The result is that around my dick and sack there are still very short hairs, although less.
The perineum, which was shaved about 2-3 weeks ago, is completely smooth, as is the area around the pucker.
There was no discomfort at all from using the cream.
Any discomfort was due to my over-enthusiastic use of the defoliating glove.
As I write this, about 10 minutes after getting out of the bath, there is no sensitivity, and everything feels normal, apart from a total lack of hair around the ass and perineum.
I can recommend this stuff. It works.
@ Pez
Thanks for the feedback...I will be off to buy me a some of the good stuff!!!!! See if it works on the mustache .