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getting over someone?

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Master of Sex
I'd like to hear from you folks, what do you do to get over some one? Eat yourself into an oblivion? Or is oit true to get over a guy you should get under another lol?
Master of Sex
Good idea , but it should be a great shag! I mean I have a standard now(sad but true)
Sex God
Quote by Sofistikitty
I'd like to hear from you folks, what do you do to get over some one? Eat yourself into an oblivion? Or is oit true to get over a guy you should get under another lol?

Yes, getting under someone else is the quickest way to struggle for longer to get over someone else. :sad: Each break up is going to be different, some are going to be harder than others. My suggestion is let it take it's course, that way there is a much better chance of achieving a more complete closure.
Oh boy...girl you need a BBF to go to sit up with you and eat chocolate cake and curse that man who is breaking your heart!!!! Heck you can just sent me a little of his hair and a photo of his face and will make you a little *doll* you can stick needles into !!!!Or I can fly down and tie him to his bed on his stomach and take a few sharp toys and scratch his back to bits and then rub salt in it for you!!!!! Something for you to smile over.... Little back ground. I have a lot of people I know but only a few people ON MY one hand I call friends I have two friends,I call besties. Now I am not talking my GF, I am talking friends who I met when I was not even in my 20`s as do not live in each others pockets nor do we see each other often nor do we write each other everyday. BUT when we do have a visit IT IS AS if we have not ever been apart or moved away from each just continue as if we where never apart. One of these ladies E is in JHB,she is gay and as kinky as me!! Heck we fit each other as gloves really, she is younger than me and obsessed with being sexy!! and SHE IS!!! Last I saw her she was here in CPT for 2 weeks with me and she came for some botox and some beauty treatments she swears only the one doc is good my GF then has to put up not only with my own kinkyness but also with E`s as we *go to town* when she is here...... One year I opened my door to a knock and it was E she has driven down from JHB because her lover has abused her, and I was furious!!!! After one week of chocolate cake and never putting on make up, and only slouching on my bed I said enough,is enough. We went to town and did some serious bar hopping(and I am not even drinker) but we did cocktails and shots and flirted with who ever got in our paths, Poor Lynette had to be our driver and hat to sit back and watch over us!!! Once we got home it was very late and early morning really, I phoned the offending girlfriend and told her I have a worn panty of hers in my clutches and I am making a little doll of this dirty stinking panty....and I am going to put her in a dark little box and she is going to smother to death slowly but surely!!!!!! We, E and I,sat there laughing like hyenas and after a while I phoned the offending woman again and told her I am busy sticking a needle into her head right *now* but am now going to put her in this DARK closed up box.E told her should she ever lift her hands and abuse her again I would wring the little dolls neck.....and that she was the one who is going to intervened and ask me to keep a little hole in the box so that the lady did not really smother,but that for the rest of that night she must enjoy the darkness and NO air..... We went to bed as Drunk as lords......OH boy we both woke up with needles in our brains !!!!And really forgotten all about the *little doll* Now this girl is asthmatic... and as she has met me and KNOWS the things I am into. ONLY after E has gotten home, she told me the girl had an asthma attack and was taken to hospital as her little asthma pump would not work for her that night I/we called. After a week E went home, the lady phoned me and asked and pleaded with me to take the doll out of the box, as she is always short of breath. To cut a long story short....mind games is really effective sometimes. Just know the hurt does go away and you can always replace him much easier than what he can replace you!!!! Hugs once again...
Last time that happened to me, I put all my time and effort into my hobbies. Shortly after, I met Nimfie unexpectedly. That was Mid 1989
Master of Sex
Its sad when yous partner IS your best friend. I don't really have besties, I tend to keep ppl at a distance for this exact reason. And the friends I do have live far away and have their own issues. Also I don't drink :sad: i don't wanna be disappointed by a bad lay so guess I should be celibate for a while? I hate the eat and be depressed thing. And I'm to ocd to "let myself go " lol. I have had some gorgeous intriguing men messing me maybe I should go to party on saturday that I've been invited to... Sigh. PIB maybe I should lure him here and get that hair lol !! I wonder if men go through this to?
Warming the Bed
Quote by Sofistikitty
I wonder if men go through this to?

Yeah we do! Still not completely over my ex and we broke up 3 months ago.
Like PIB (I think) said, each one is different. I'm just keeping busy and hanging out with my friends (especially when I'm feeling depressed about it). It slowly gets better smile
Sorry this happened to you never easy. I know that the only thing (in the world) takes that pain away (or makes it somehow better) is......... time. I have lost someone in May 2013 and I'm still not over it. She was not the love of my life, but I would have died for her. She was not my soul mate, but she knew my soul. She was not blood related to me, but to her I was family. She was not even near my age, but age to us was just a number. She was..... my best friend, my mother, my sister. She past away of a heart attack in her sleep, very unexpectedly. I know its not the same pain you are feeling but.......... to a girl who had no mother, sister or friend.... She was my everything. She accepted the real me, helped me to become a lady, and gave me the best advice without judgement. She mother-in-law. Only time helped me to "smile" again. "AND CRY AS MUCH AS YOU NEED TO!"....from my Hubby. Then take a deep breath, and take one day at a time. Hope you are blessed in every step forward. Hugs from 1 kitty to another...... Lady Lee.
@RockstarLemming It was not my wise words It was the wise wise words of SDMR.
1. He obviously never deserved you in the first place. 2. He is a man! We are dicks and we do shit like this. 3. If he is worth it (only if he is really worth it) fight for him. 4. We tend to realise our mistakes and come crawling back... Jumping another mans bones may help at that moment, but then you guys get back together and what happened in between ruins what could have been after getting back together. If there is love there, I believe one should be patient for a while. Wait and see first, if he is not back after 3 months, then go wild. Just the way I would do things. But up to you.
Master of Sex
Quote by Stamina
1. He obviously never deserved you in the first place. 2. He is a man! We are dicks and we do shit like this. 3. If he is worth it (only if he is really worth it) fight for him. 4. We tend to realise our mistakes and come crawling back... Jumping another mans bones may help at that moment, but then you guys get back together and what happened in between ruins what could have been after getting back together. If there is love there, I believe one should be patient for a while. Wait and see first, if he is not back after 3 months, then go wild. Just the way I would do things. But up to you.

He is totally worth it , but not sure he wants to be fought for. How would I know? Hate when things go south its like if you pursue u desperate if you don't you could loose person. Tough , worst thing is no more SEX!!! Lol I'm withering away here lol. Have a feeling we not done so I'll wait and see what happens, thanks- good advice.
Kitten, It sounds if your friend is feeling pressured and wants to let things cool off a bit yeah??? That is why you are telling us you do NOT KNOW if you should fight for him??? And you are uncertain as to what is happening?? He obviously is NOT ready for a 24/7 relationship. Should he come back, just make certain YOU and him discuss as to what is really the needs in this friendship with him Then decide what sort of relationship will be good for both of you. Also know there are single men who likes to BECOME A COUPLE with a lady.. 1) to have a booty call lady on hand 2) to have someone to take to parties and couple parties and meets 3) to get a 3rd lady to play with is easier if you are a *couple* than getting 2 single ladies to play with. So you really need to sit down and work out where and what your relationship was about.
Master of Sex
Wish I could give advice, but no matter what a person says. You the only one that can chose which direction your life goes now. Joyrider Life is like a roller coaster or like sex. One minute you up next you down. :twisted: