Today I was browsing through ALL of the forums from when I started participating few years ago uptill yesterday.
I noticed that I had to ask a few times for the forum readers to participate just to have them do so, but then to see them leave one by one as they loose interest.
I also noticed that there is quite a few topics that is always repeated and you guessed right
PENIS or small / long or short / thick or thin… seem to really be insecure about their *pleasure stick*
We women never question our own vagina`s or how the external lips are either to Long or short to thick or too thin and our clits showing or hides away….
We seem to have issues with out bodies in other ways being large and fat mostly…..heck we never see the really stick figured women maon or wonder if they are okay. Nope us fatties are the insecure one`s.
But men and their Dicks are the prominent posters really.
Then of course closely followed is the next issues…
All SENSITIVE in nature and NOT to be revived by ME…
Ethnic origins
Rude mails
Not answering any mails.
Then the ever on going issues about…
Single males and here we never see single woman complain that they get ignored.
Sex positions are covered a few times
Some prostate and masturbation issues
Anal and Watersport
We even had really LONG forums with like the current one…word play and a few other normal day activity.
Sooo people post new issues
We need forums some that has body!!! That we can discuss , tease each other about, be all knowing and nosey about the subjects,go off rail in the forums as our discussions grow and RE DIRECT….
Was the beginning of the week just a fluke??? Is the usual participants so jaded they do not want to *chat* here anymore??
Come on people I came back would YOU guys not come back???
And NOPE, NO complaints NO ONE is to show one finger to another as the reason there was a hiatus in the are starting OVER…..
We are starting over after all,summer is nearly here..... end this year with fun and laughs…
Pib ek verseker jou ek is nog hier net nie meer so aktief nie, het so bietjie op die agter grond gegaan om net 'n slag perspektief te kry waarna toe is ek oppad. Ja partykeer moet jy iets anders doen om jou gedagtes skoon te kry want die leefstyl en SH is nogal verslawend.
Die forums was wel op 'n staduim ontrent dood maar sien daar begin weer lewe kom maar wat my nogal bekommerd is dat daar baie min nuwe lede in die forums gesels.
Maar verseker jou ek is weer oppad terug en sal seker weer 'n paar mense kwaad maak maar tenmiste kry ons die mense aan die gesels.
I have just been so busy lately! I am also finding that I have nothing to contribute to the forums.
I still log in once a week or so, to see if I have missed anything...
@ KC_
You have not missed much I sadly have to say.
Once a week is sometimes enough for all the disappointment.
@ Adonis.
At least you read here and do comment, Not like most who just drop in to read and NOT take a little time or a change to comment!
Puss i think i shall start a new forum thread, you have inspired me :rascal: and it shall not be about cocks, vaginas, bedroom habits or farting :bounce:
WELCOME A breath of freshness is always more than welcome!!!
Oi, I never said we can not discuss dicks, vagina`s and sex....heck I love the Fart one!!!
We can always start all over again...we are after all on a SEX site....even if some will not agree with me.
I will be reading your new topic, I saw it before I opened this one.
Onnnn meeeeeeeeeeeeee way.......
I find out today why is the forums died a death over the last months, but the people still in the forum wouldt not save it, i will rather stay out of it because i thought i was perhaps the culprit.
There are no one as blind as the blind himself.
The day we can name and shame people, this forum will survive and please don't tell me name and shame is against the rules i new that.
Eish Adonis,
Moenie dinge te erenstig op neem nie.
Lees die dinge wat jou intereseer en antwoord daarop , en los die res wat jou bloed so bietjie laat kook, ek weet daar is dinge wat tot dood vervelens herhaal word, kom ons ignoreer *daai tipe* Fora`s en skep nuwes.
Ons bloed drukke moet ook opgepas word, ons is ook nie meer so jonk dat ons ons so kan vererg vir niks ook nie dinge te persoonlik opvat ons probeer neutraal bly.
Maar ons kan nie net so tou op gooi nie. Kom ons probeer red wat te redde is.
Ek weet jy probeer hard, maar soos jy is ek ook nie altyd lus om as OU KOEIE uit gegrawe word en as iets gese word daarop te moet reageer nie en dit nogals herhaaldelik.
Kom Ons *skip* net daai foras..hmmmm?
Pib baie dankie, ek hoop maar net Admin se oe gaan oop.