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There are alot of weird and wonderful fetishes out there. Some a bit too weird in my view! Some just pointless. Some interesting, etc... Everyone has them and I don't judge even though I would never "engage" in many of them. Scat sex!! Human excrement rubbed all over body and face while doing the horizontal mambo! Crap people, crap!!! Fetish my ass! That is just disgusting! Golden showers! Sis again. You piss on me I punch you - period!!! Ask me to piss on you, and I show you the door! Foot fetish??? I don't understand how a foot will give me a boner but that's just me... Etc, etc, etc... List your fetishes here... Lets see who is into what. Time to separate the freaks from the freakers. lol
Sex God
Quote by Stamina
. You piss on me I punch you - period!!!

Haha, how romantic .. . . lol
Just make sure you don't punch some poor lady who was actually squirting . . . . .
Quote by SDMR
. You piss on me I punch you - period!!!

Haha, how romantic .. . . lol
Just make sure you don't punch some poor lady who was actually squirting . . . . .
Squirting not very "attractive" to me either dude. I know alot of guys are into it but I don't find a turn on in that. People say " wet pussy is hot".. Or ladies say I am getting wet just thinking of it", etc. I don't lime too much "moisture". Just need enough to get the job done. A little friction is good! My girl often leaves me drenched when she is on top and I have to sleep in that wet spot!! :lol: I do feel proud though coz that means my bent one hit the spot.. He he he..
Sex God
Quote by Stamina
. You piss on me I punch you - period!!!

Haha, how romantic .. . . lol
Just make sure you don't punch some poor lady who was actually squirting . . . . .
Squirting not very "attractive" to me either dude. I know alot of guys are into it but I don't find a turn on in that. People say " wet pussy is hot".. Or ladies say I am getting wet just thinking of it", etc. I don't lime too much "moisture". Just need enough to get the job done. A little friction is good! My girl often leaves me drenched when she is on top and I have to sleep in that wet spot!! :lol: I do feel proud though coz that means my bent one hit the spot.. He he he..
well luckily not too many ladies do the squirt thing, but if you land up with one who does, it's more about how good the sex was, and then you go and punch her? hmmmmm, me thinks you should re-look at your proposed reaction to excessive moisture . . .
@ Staimina You are most certainly not kinky inclined,(and this is YOUR RIGHT to say so) maybe because you are to scared to even consider experience a few kinky set ups, YOU obviously think it is a form of abuse and it obviously must be dirty. I call people who has a close mind to anything sexual un-evolved. Anyone who is INTO kink will tell you, WE all have our hard limits!!! And we never cross that do we insist that people cross their own hard limits to let us enjoy a kinky play. I am however very open minded to what people like and dislike, it is their right, I myself will NEVER call anyone a freak!!!! That to me is a very rude thing to do. Who gives anyone of US the right to say someone is a freak??? and yet you say you do not judge .If you are a freaker but not a freak?????.....BUT in fact you do! Just by posting this forum in the way you did. Just to be on this site is kinky in by considering building sex machines is sex machines may be easy BUT ON WHOM will you test if they work?? Is this not abuse??? to let a women lie there and YOU decide on how to use that machine??? Yeah yeah she will say you can do so....... WELL in BDSM or any KINK, consent is a MUST, that makes it NOT that most CERTAINLY does not make any of us freaks. OH and if you think it is okay to use a sex toy like a nice vibrator or even allow your lady to use one, YOU may NOT think this is KINKY??? Well that in itself can be classed as kinky BY many people that is not on any sex site. I think you should read up more and KNOW more of the endless precautions and *rules* of we who are into kink have ,to really say anything calling us freaks. My own hard limits is CHILDREN, VERY young females or men under 19 And Most of all animals!!!!!!To me the above is ABUSE. Then on the kink side , scat and golden showers (except my own version of GS) and mostly blood (where actual CUTS are made)is my hard limits. If this makes me a FREAK them I AM PROUDLY ONE
Quote by Pussinboots1
@ Staimina You are most certainly not kinky inclined,(and this is YOUR RIGHT to say so) maybe because you are to scared to even consider experience a few kinky set ups, YOU obviously think it is a form of abuse and it obviously must be dirty.
I call people who has a close mind to anything sexual un-evolved.
Anyone who is INTO kink will tell you, WE all have our hard limits!!! And we never cross that do we insist that people cross their own hard limits to let us enjoy a kinky play.
I am however very open minded to what people like and dislike, it is their right, I myself will NEVER call anyone a freak!!!! That to me is a very rude thing to do.
Who gives anyone of US the right to say someone is a freak??? and yet you say you do not judge .If you are a freaker but not a freak?????.....BUT in fact you do! Just by posting this forum in the way you did.
Just to be on this site is kinky in by considering building sex machines is sex machines may be easy BUT ON WHOM will you test if they work??
Is this not abuse??? to let a women lie there and YOU decide on how to use that machine???
Yeah yeah she will say you can do so.......
WELL in BDSM or any KINK, consent is a MUST, that makes it NOT that most CERTAINLY does not make any of us freaks.
OH and if you think it is okay to use a sex toy like a nice vibrator or even allow your lady to use one, YOU may NOT think this is KINKY??? Well that in itself can be classed as kinky BY many people that is not on any sex site.
I think you should read up more and KNOW more of the endless precautions and *rules* of we who are into kink have ,to really say anything calling us freaks.
My own hard limits is CHILDREN, VERY young females or men under 19
And Most of all animals!!!!!!To me the above is ABUSE.
Then on the kink side , scat and golden showers (except my own version of GS) and mostly blood (where actual CUTS are made)is my hard limits.
If this makes me a FREAK them I AM PROUDLY ONE

First off... Freak is not meant in a derogatory way in my post. To be a "freak" in bed is a good thing. I expected that to come through clearly in my terminology. Second... I am not referring to kink. I am as kinky as anybody. I also enjoy the breaks from the norm. But if you understand my post correctly, there is a fine line between kink and gross. Note that I referred to scat sex as one example. I don't care who this offends, anyone who involves the active touching and playing with human shit while making live is sicko!!! Massive difference between lets say S&M and crapping on your partners face during oral sex... You get what I mean?
Warming the Bed
Well said PIB! We all have our limits on what we feel is acceptable or erotic. While I will never engage in scat acts, I'm not going to label or deny others the right to do so out of my sight. Accept your limits and let others have theirs. I had a girlfriend who wouldn't let me go down on her because that was gross to her (normal to me) but had no problem biting me hard enough to leave bruises all over my body! I'm game to try most things but my definite hard limits are young, scat, animals, extreme pain, blood and needles.
Quote by RockstarLemming
Well said PIB!
We all have our limits on what we feel is acceptable or erotic. While I will never engage in scat acts, I'm not going to label or deny others the right to do so out of my sight.
Accept your limits and let others have theirs. I had a girlfriend who wouldn't let me go down on her because that was gross to her (normal to me) but had no problem biting me hard enough to leave bruises all over my body!
I'm game to try most things but my definite hard limits are young, scat, animals, extreme pain, blood and needles.

Nicely said, respect the kink.
Still blood and needles, who does that, vampires?
Kink is another word used when speaking of fetishes and freaky bedroom sex games. As for scat or *shit games* a very HARD limit for MOST of us. Is a normal thing to certain people. A scat fetish or kink can be different things. It can be mild as be just someone watching you while you go to the toilet to eliminate yourself. Or it can be as Stamina says sex when feces is rubbed all over someone. Then IT DOES become harsher, you get your TOILET slaves...people who RELISH the idea and loves it to be used as a human toilet. Once again it can be mild to very harsh....just licking you clean (like rimming) after you have eliminated yourself then harsher to where there is some who LOVES to accept the elimination right into their mouths and disposes of it by way of swallowing. TO ME that is just gross. The same can be said of Golden Showers as everything is also true with urine slaves,thus the same can be done as Mentioned above.I do not do Golden Showers like that. Except I have to admit I do have a way of playing my own little games ....BUT never let my own urine of anyone`s urine touch my face or theirs. NOR do I allow them to even taste it...but it is fun to go behind your lover and hold him while he is other plays as well....I also admit to urinating on previous lover cause I was *pissed* off!!! I also did a full comment on a forum on Golden Showers way back thus are not going to repeat myself. As for a foot and shoes and hand fetish, I will say I am a big one!!! Nothing like a sexy clean pair of feet with sexy painted nails to play with.
To name a few really funky fetishes Somme are way out of the *normal* zone for me And some are as familiar to me as breathing. The following is a list of paraphilias, or sources of sexual arousal by Jesse Bering. Acrotomophilia Arousal to amputees Actirasty Arousal to the sun's rays Agalmatophilia Arousal to statues Anasteemaphilia Arousal to a person of extreme stature, either giant or dwarf Apotemnophilia Arousal to oneself as an amputee Autogynephilia Arousal to oneself [male only] in the form of a woman Autoplushophilia Arousal to oneself dressed as a giant cartoon-like stuffed animal Chasmophilia Arousal to caverns, crevices, and valleys Climacophilia Arousal to falling down stairs Coprophilia Arousal to feces Ephebophilia Arousal to older adolescents, approx. 15-19 Exhibitionism Arousal to displaying one's sexual organs in public Fetishism Arousal to objects that have been in physical contact with desired person Formicophilia Arousal to insects Frotteurism Arousal to touching a stranger surreptitiously in a crowded place Gerontophilia Arousal to the elderly Hebephilia Arousal to pubescent aged children, approx. 11-14 Katoptronophilia Arousal to sex in front of mirrors Knismolagnia Arousal to being tickled Lithophilia Arousal to stone and gravel Masochism Arousal to experiencing physical and psychological pain Melissaphilia Arousal to bees and wasps Nasolingus Arousal to sucking on a person's nose Nebulophilia Arousal to fog Necrophilia Arousal to corpses Objectophilia Arousal to a particular object, distinct from fetishism Partialism Arousal to a body part other than the reproductive organs, e.g., calves Arousal to prepubescent children Podophilia Arousal to feet Psellismophilia Arousal to stuttering Psychrophilia Arousal to being cold and watching others who are cold Pteronphilia Arousal to being tickled by feathers Pubephilia Arousal to pubic hair Pygophilia Arousal to buttocks Sadism Arousal to causing physical and psychological pain Savantophilia Arousal to the cognitively impaired or developmentally delayed Stygiophilia Arousal to the thought of hellfire and damnation Teleiophilia Arousal to reproductive-aged adults Teratophilia Arousal to the congenitally deformed Titillagnia Arousal to tickling other people Transvestic Fetishism Arousal to female garments touching the male's skin Urophilia Arousal to urine or urinating others Vorarephilia Arousal to eating another person's body parts Voyeurism Arousal to spying on others for sexual gratification Xylophilia Arousal to wood Arousal to nonhuman animals Anyone KNOW that you also get MOSTLY men who LOVES FEEDING their lady?? They are called feeders,and I personally think it is grotesque in the way they feed their woman to the extend that the ladies can not move or get up or do anything for herself due to layers and layers of fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is extremely interesting Puss... I did not know more than half of those names. Thanks for that one. Really insightful. Wow, some of those are a bit south for me. Some are very interesting. Thanks for doing the research. You learn something new every day.
Quote by Mike_Pta
Well said PIB!
We all have our limits on what we feel is acceptable or erotic. While I will never engage in scat acts, I'm not going to label or deny others the right to do so out of my sight.
Accept your limits and let others have theirs. I had a girlfriend who wouldn't let me go down on her because that was gross to her (normal to me) but had no problem biting me hard enough to leave bruises all over my body!
I'm game to try most things but my definite hard limits are young, scat, animals, extreme pain, blood and needles.

Nicely said, respect the kink.
Still blood and needles, who does that, vampires?
blood donors lol
Quote by playcouple

Nicely said, respect the kink.
Still blood and needles, who does that, vampires?

blood donors lol
So vampires and their victims
There is really such a group of people who likes to play bloody games....LMAO....:taz:
@PiB1, if you have that list of names in your head, you could make a wonderful Scrabble partner!!! I've been around a lot of years, and consider myself reasonably well read, but I had only heard of maybe 20% of those terms!! Absolutely fascinating to read them (from someone who only practices Voyeurism!). wink
@ Bruce, I am guilty of GOOGLING them (I got them off the list provided by the lady I mention) .......there is WAY more fetishes really. BUT I really thought I would get a reaction or something about the *Feeders* fetish I love scrabble....*L* and I used to play scrabble with a dictionary next to us!!!!! It was that serious!!! I Still play a few computer games similar to for someone who is slightly dyslexic and Afrikaans it is a challenge ,let me tell you.