Do any of you ladies use something to increase your sex drive/lobido?
Maybe you can share some tricks of the trade!
I read somewhere that a water melon works just as will to increase the sex drive for man and lady. They say it works just like viagra.
Cannot say if it works we both have a very high drive
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What are the causes of lack of libido in women?
As is the case with men, lack of desire in women can be of either physical or psychological origin.
Physical causes
Anaemia, which is very common in women because of iron loss during periods.
Drug abuse.
Major diseases such as diabetes.
Post-baby 'coolness', a term we have coined for the loss of libido that often happens after childbirth. It is almost certainly linked to hormonal changes that occur at this time, though this has still not been proven. The general trauma of childbirth also plays a part – and after having a baby, many women are too exhausted to think about sex.
Prescribed drugs, particularly tranquillisers.
Hyperprolactinaemia – a rare disorder in which the pituitary gland is overactive.
Other hormone abnormalities: leading Swiss gynaecologist Dr Michael Nemec claimed to us that abnormalities in the production of luteinising hormone (LH) often cause lack of desire, though there is little world-wide backing for this idea. And top British gynaecologist John Studd says that many women who have lost their libido lack androgenic (male) hormones. This view remains controversial.
You may be surprised that we haven't mentioned the menopause as a physical cause of loss of desire.
Contrary to myth, the menopausedoesn't usually cause loss of libido, and indeed many women feel a lot sexier and have more orgasms in the postmenopausal part of their life.
Psychological causes
These causes are very common. It's understandable that when a woman is having a bad time emotionally, she may lose interest in sex.
Psychological causes include:
stress and overwork
hang-ups from childhood
past sexual abuse or
latent lesbianism
serious relationship problems with your partner
difficult living conditions, eg sharing a home with parents or parents-in-law.
Or maybe one of these will help?
Tips to Increase Sexual Libido for Women:
1: Sleep
Libido is just one of many areas affected by poor sleep. Without quality sleep, energy will suffer and the body is forced to ration its energy. For those needing a good night's sleep and a libido lift, start a gentle exercise program in the evening. Explore yoga or tai chi which don't exhaust the body, and provide a nice sense of relaxation for the mind.
2: De-stress
If stress is a major distraction from your love life, utilize tools to help the body unwind. Massage, exercise and adequate rest are powerful against stress. B complex vitamins help support the stress glands, adrenal glands, as does ginseng and licorice. Eating a healthy diet with limited refined sugar helps keep the body in balance. If depression is an issue, this should be discussed with a significant other and a physician so that you can observe other therapies.
3: Hormonal Therapies
Fatigue is often a major contributor to low libido. If the body feels that is does not have the strength to get through the day at an optimal level, it will begin to ration its energy. On a biochemical level, fatigue and stress drive certain hormones, like DHEA and testosterone, down. Though these are often considered male hormones, they are also found and needed in females (in lesser amounts). Low levels of testosterone and DHEA can be replaced to help raise libido .
DHEA can be taken orally and is available over-the-counter. Testosterone is available by prescription and is typically given to women as a cream. Both of these hormones may be low in women well before menopause has started. They can be checked through blood, urine or saliva testing. For many, replacement with DHEA and other hormones can also improve sleep and improve mood, both of which provide a natural boost to libido.
Hormone replacement. One may also want to consider the replacement of estrogen and progesterone. This is not always an easy decision, but you may want to consider the benefits of bioidentical hormones.
4: Herbals
Ginseng has historically been used to improve endurance and stamina . It is tolerated well and combines with DHEA to aid in libido and what is often described as an 'improved sense of well-being .' Observe caution if you experience high blood pressure or have a history of high heart rate.
5: L-theanine
This extract of green tea has a gentle calming and focusing effect on the mind, lessening the 'racing' that keeps the brain awake at night and disrupts the body's attention toward lovemaking.
From Discovery health at
1. Sleep
Libido is just one of many areas affected by poor sleep. Without quality sleep, energy will suffer and the body is forced to ration its energy. For those needing a good night's sleep and a libido lift, start a gentle exercise program in the evening. Explore yoga or tai chi which don't exhaust the body, and provide a nice sense of relaxation for the mind.
Now this explains a lot I thought there was something wrong with me
Now going to try and sleep more