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Do people not read

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I was wondering how much clearer do one have to write for people to read/understand preferences. And it goes for both profile and adds

People only read the first few words., then make up the rest to suit them selves

People don't read, but there are various options available to you to restrict the forms of contact you receive from particular account types, and from specific Site members.

Tap on your small profile pic in the top bar and select Settings and then Privacy. There you can block account types, control who can send you site messages, choose who can like or comment on your profile and media, and add people to your Chatroom private message block list.

Alternatively you can block them in the chatroom by tapping on the 3 dots next to their name(selected from the online members). Remember to Hide Blocked Users in the Settings when you're in the chatroom. You can also select to not receive PM's or to Ask Each Time, when in the chatroom. Tap on your Profile pic in the top right and go to Settings.

I hope this helps a bit in making your experience better.

People don’t read πŸ™„ I have a simple request in my profile and I can alway tell if someone read my profile or not by it.

1/10 read πŸ˜‚ it does make it easy to decide who to reply to though πŸ˜‰