I am no psychiatrist and I am still only in my thirties... But older is not always wiser and medical professionals are not the only ones that can give advice on the highs and lows of living...
So having said that, I want to share some advice with everybody. COMPLAIN! That's right, complain! Everybody is always too scared to say what they want to say or do what they want to do. Fear of hurting someone's feelings, fear of passing someone off. Well I tell you this: Stop doing only what you have to do and start doing what you want to do. Stop being what people expect you to be and start being who you choose to be!
When the idiot in the car in front of you takes too long to pull off at the robot, shout at him! Complain about his driving! When the food they serve you at a restaurant is up to your taste, send it back! Complain! When you are subjected to watching the same old Crap on TV, send the broadcaster a letter and Complain! When a site best suited to meet a lady for a threesome has no one to offer it........Yes, COMPLAIN!!
We have so much to complain about in this messed up world but most just keep quiet and keep on at it! Screw that! Complain, complain, complain!!! Let the frustration out and stop bottling it up! If more people complained about e-tolls, taxes, electricity hikes, fuel hikes, high food prices, stupid traffic laws, crime, useless governments, pot holes, load shedding, human trafficking, bad drivers, cheating spouses, war, etc, etc, etc, the world have no choice but to listen! Plus, you relieve unnecessary tension by expressing your anger and frustration.
Trust me when I say this: You are not a whiner if you complain about situations that do jot go your way, you are human and you are simply standing up for yourself.
But things go your way, be content and appreciative. Live your lives people. Get what you want, don't take what you get!
Sorry my man but nothing make sense, Thanks my live is not so bored and i think a lot of members will back me.
I think I know what Stamina is TRYING to say... Stop complaining to everyone else and start complaining to the people who are responsible or who have the ability to make a change!
The arrogance of youth is refreshing.
General comment
It is not that you complain, it is the HOW you complain that really matters.
The *how* is what defines if you are petty or childish or self-asserting.
The issues you want to complain about also defines how you are perceived by others.
@ Stamina`s your own personal 10 commandments.
My own way of looking at this.
1. Never back down from a fight.
The really wise knows when to bow out of a fight gracefully.
2. Play every game to win.
Not every game can be won but we can all strive to win.
3. Never accept defeat.
Defeat is sometimes unavoidable,it is how you handle defeat that will make a difference to your life.
4. Don't rely on other people for anything.
A Very cynical out look towards life, but sometimes it is true.
5. Get revenge against those who harmed you.
Revenge might make you feel good for that moment, but in the end it harms your soul.
6. Never apologise for being yourself.
Fully agree with this one.
7. Never give second chances.
Always give a second chance, people are only human with lots of flaws. If you do something wrong would you not like to have a second change to righten the wrong?? And it seems you have not done anything wrong in your life then??
8. God forgives, I don't.
So what you are saying is, if your kid does something bad and wrong you are NOT going to forgive her??One cannot make such a statement like this with out thinking further than the offence or who the person is who is doing the wrong
9. Do unto others before they do unto you.
So you would do bad things but do not want to receive back???even if you are doing it with out knowing about it) Very enlightening statement this.
10. Never bow down to a mortal man!
We can just strive to not have to do this. But sometimes we have to give a little bow,even if just to say to someone, you are a great person!
And heck yes I will bow down if I was ever to meet the Queen Elizabeth.
@ wolfman, LMAO I agree I agree !!!!!!
No offense here Stamina, but the last few posts you've made consist of " whining" - this is not good for the Forum or indeed the Site itself.
I do however respect your Forum posts, as I do with all the replies. It's a Forum be prepared for fellow members to reply.
:thumbup: Great reply Stamina - fair play
Do you feel taken advantage of by life?
Do you feel - a lesser amount of confidence?
Do things scare you that has previously excited you?
Do you feel that enough is enough.....but the solution to your predicament is just out of reach?
- Im in no way saying/
'In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity'
Now.....before im burnt at the stake for being a radical thinker.....this book has been exalted for two thousand years . If something is able to withstand the test of time like that.....something about it must be working right....
Download the pirated copy if you have to....what have you got to lose?
Not all the time ...no.
But what exactly is wrong with my post?
Sounds like my kind of read that. Ordering a copy today. I do so enjoy a good read...
Not all are equally enlightened :twisted:
2000 years? That is one old book!
Our basic/foundational life rules are slightly different to Stamina's but they work extremely well for us:
1. Play every game to win
2. Failure is not an option
3. Only argue when the subject matter is of importance to you....otherwise it's simply a waste of time
4. Listen to others' opinions/arguments - you may learn something new (even if it's just that they are idiots lol)
5. Look for the ultimate experience in everything you do
6. Do unto others as you'd like done to you......don't fall into the trap of not being yourself and acting in a way that you'll regret later just because someone else makes you that mad (never give someone else the power over your behaviour or feelings)
7. Love yourself above all others/everything else
8. Remember that 'what you sow is what you'll reap'....or that karma is a bitch....
Use it or don't but keep smiling whatever you do!