I'd like to make a recommendation about how to self assess build descriptions. I would've described myself as medium. What passes for 'medium' means I've now changed it to athletic. There are many large people that describe themselves as 'medium'. If you can't see your penis when you look down, chances are you NOT medium. Perhaps the moderators can help out her I.e. Medium - SMALL tummy
Large - big tummy
Athletic - toned
Muscular - gym bunny
Or is it just me that's delusional?
Okay, I have now once again gone and stood on the lounge table in front of the only mirror in the house,to really LOOK at myself!!
After trying to evaluate my *build* after reading Roughlover72 suggestion on how to measure your build.
I was trying to view my tiny ietsie weenie penis (clit) looking down....
NOW I had a BIG problem can not see anything remotely genital wise....
So I decided to just change *penis* to my toes...
so there I was....looking down....NOTHING.....
I lifted my boobs to see if I could see my toes.....NOPE
I lifted my boobs and tummy to see I I could see my toes....NOPE
I now bended slightly back ward with my feet more to the front trying to see if I could at least see my toes from the side...NOPE
I then proceeded to bend slightly forward to see that if I lifted both my tummy and peeked between my lifted boobs If I could then see my toes...woe and behold. NOPE.....
Now I was upset...I now needed to see if I at least could see my toes in the mirror,hench me standing on the lounge table viewing myself
I lifted everything hanging south....LOOKEd in the mirror at my toes........could I hope??? DARE I hope?????
YAY I could...
Does this mean I am medium?????
LMAO Nope I am OVER xxxxxxx large.... there is no tick of box here on SH for the likes of me......
Het nou lekker gelag vir Pussinboots, ja as daar 'n wil is is daar 'n weg.
Dit bly altyd 'n raaisel hoekom mense sullke groot issuse het met detail beskrywings in 'n profile. Die eerste plek het baie min mense beheer oor hoe hulle gebou is. die vraag is dus as jy bietjie minder meduim, meduim of bietjie meer meduim is wat doen dit aan jou persoonlikheid. Wat maak jou dan nou minder of meer aanvaarbaar.
Pussinboots of Leecee kan ons dalk inlig, maak dit dat jy beter kan liefde maak want regtig dit is al wat ek dink die verskil kan maak. Die hart binne in jou moet in al die gevalle dieselfde wees, Het nog nie gelees dat die verskillende geslagsorgane beter of slegter orgasmes veroorsaak as jy weet om dit te gebruik nie.
Hoop nie dit gaan oor die selfbeeld van die ander persoon wat nie saam met jou gesien wil word nie want dan is daar iets leliks verkeerd in jou kop.
Most sites that I have seen where there are limited choices for description have "average" in the list instead of "medium". Average describes someone who can not be considered fat or skinny or gym toned but rather a person that does not tone their body with exercise or over eats until 150kg, but rather just a person that lives day to day life and watches their weight a bit. Medium can not really describe a body type in my opinion. To me, medium is someone between Dwayne Johnson and Peewee Herman (in size but not shape). Slim describes body shape, athletic describes body shape, muscular describes body shape. Medium and large just describe size. I am 6'3, weigh 84kg. I have no excess padding, I gym so I am in shape, I had my body type as athletic but was told by one person in the same forum as this one (that I started) that I pass as slim. I am not medium and I am slim... So if not athletic, then what describes me. Average would suit me but not in the list...
When I look down I can't see my cock because off my tummy but I strech my cock out I can see it so I am medium build
I sort of got it but yes. .. it's a swinging site so we don't have to use euphemisms. ... heh heh
Does medium not mean: Medium tummy and not Small tummy?
Does medium not refer to the average South African which is still smaller than the average American?
Are you guys so intent on splitting hairs amongst the Nicely built people, that for some reason dominate this site, that you want to put the majority of South Africans into 1 category (Large) and have 3 categories for a select few that can proudly show their pics?
Picture can mislead in many ways:
Depending on the surroundings, thick can make something look short and thin can make something look long. The site also often changes the aspect ratio of photos, stretching them in height or width.
A difficult one to grasp is that the camera only has one lens with one point of view and our stereoscopic vision tries to make a 3D image in our brain of what is on a flat surface.
This changes perception of what is actually captured in the pic.
By the way, 6'3, weigh 84kg is officially away from being slim as oppose to Athletic.
And what is Athletic? Is it a shot put blob, a 100m Bolt or a Marathon runner?
Having definition means one thing, very low body fat.
You can be really scrawny and be ripped if you have very little fat.
If I stand up straight with my shoulders against the wall and bend my neck forward, I see everything including my pubic hair and the baldish area above it.
I still however consider someone somewhat bigger as medium.
Ms DevinePE,
I rushed of to go perv your profile to see how curvy or bootylicious you are :eeek: I will have to rely on your word you are!!
Why care how curvy or bootylicious you are, as long as you are comfy in your skin.
Well come to the fora`s :rose:
@ Roughlover72
GOOD GOSH!!!!! WHAT in the world took you sooooooo long, a YEAR has passed, to comment on your own fora???
I have to say WELCOME BACK (me thinks)
If you think that a year has passed you would for the love of me NOT recognize me right now, from this time last year to right now.
Now I have a extra tummy apron!!!! Some wings swinging from the underside of my arms,instead from my shoulder blades, and even by lifting the darn tummy apron thingie up and trying to throw it over my shoulder and over my second apron which is suppose to be boobs...and even If I try bending forward and sideways... I for the love of life...cannot see past my eyelids.
so now I am not even BIGggggg I am massive...sooo once again NOW here on site there is NO description for the likes of me.
And yeah I might need someone to see if I still have a teeny tiny weenie... (clit) so I might just have to consult you on that offer.
I am of to read your profile and check out any pics.......
I realized you meant genitals after the gents started to answer your fora......but never the less...I like to banter and tease hench my second self description on body instead of clit/penis size.
Size, build, looks............
It's all relative and subjective to me. Entirely dependent on the person answering the question based on their personal views and definitions. Coupled with the the views and definitions of the person who is looking...........
Just my 2c worth