First off Let me confess, I dislike pain!!! I also have a negative reaction to any needle that is supposed to go into my body sort to it becoming or being a needle phobia!!!!!
BUT.... and here comes the damn of the thing...I LOVE Tattoos and Piercings!!!!
Okay, let`s talk tattoos first...
I will never get a real tattoo EVER!!!! I made/make do with Henna body art or the Stick on tattoos.
Now do not pull a face and say it cannot be as nice as the real thing...Henna....IT is awesome if done by a person who is artistic and sure of hand, the only thing is Henna is something you really need to pamper so know all that hard work is only for a few days at most. Might be longer if you really really careful. I was also told that black Henna is not really kosher, as we all know Henna is mostly red-orange. I know nowadays you get real kits to do Henna skin art. But I remember the time and hassle it was to get and care for my Henna tattoo. Sadly, my friend who was willing to put in the hours for doing my Henna tattoo passed away. So nowadays it is stick on only!!! And I mostly order my Tattoos from overseas. We here in SA really have NO place to really get the *GOOD* stuff!!
Anyways, as for piercings.
Now here I am a REALLY sad case!!! I was nearly sedated to only have my ears pierced for normal earrings.... BUT one day I was bold enough to demand nipple piercings......GOOD GOSH!!!!!! PAIN...PAIN...PAIN..... never EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
I also have to confess, it is NO MORE!!!!!!! When I had to go for my knee replacement. I had to remove the little suckers(barbells) And NO ONE will get me to put them back!!!!
So in all this babble of mine.....
I want to know if there are any of you guys and ladies, who also loves tattoos and piercings?? I would so, have a lot, if it was not for my needle problem.... and if you do have any, WHERE and WHAT and HOW many, is yours??? And do You enjoy the extra little stimulation the genital piercings give??? Do Share......
I know I love to play kinky games with genital piercings.......