I put this together for a forum, after Vee1 and Voyer1105 and I talked about anal sex in the Golden Shower forum.
Know your anus....
People… your anus is right down the block from your vagina`s or behind/under your scrotum.
The strip of skin between the vagina and the anus in women (or the balls and anus in men) is called the perineum
The anus is the opening that leads to the rectum and then the colon. This area is densely packed with nerves and sensory receptors -- so licking and massaging in that areas feels great. When the anus is worshiped properly, excited and relaxed, blood flows to the area, and it even puckers out a bit.
The internal sphincter muscle is a muscular about an inch inside the anus.
The rectum is the chamber just inside the outer sphincters. It goes about eight inches in a shallow S-curve up to the colon.
The wall between the rectum and the vagina is thin enough that you can feel through it.
Normally, the rectum is empty. Feces(poop) resides further up in the colon until its time for elimination.
There are two pleasurable spots in and around a man's anus. The first location is the anus itself: it is very sensitive, surrounded by a dense mass of nerve bundles. The second is the prostate gland, located a few inches inside the anus towards the belly button, and often feels like a firm bulge.
Unfortunately, most men/women have no clue as to how to go about anal penetration, in the process traumatizing millions of possible anal lovers.
The anus does not create its own lubrication. Adding extra lube is a spit...LUBE!!!!!
The tissues of the anus and rectum are thinner and more harmed than those in the vagina.
STD`s are easier to transmit through the anus as always USE a condom!!!!!
And NEVER NEVER go from the anus to the vagina!!!!!!
Toys should always be washed and dried afterwards (I personally always use a condom on all my toys and STILL wash and dry them afterwards.
One word will do here...... INFECTION!!!!!!!!! INFECTION!!!!!!!!!!
STD`s are easier to transmit through the anus as well.
Anal play it self....
Done the same on women as for men. CAREFULLY!!!!
Most men are homophobic believing that if others KNOW they get anally stimulated that they will be seen as GAY!!
As with all anal play, cleanliness is essential. A bath or a shower
If your man/woman is an anal virgin. Make sure to have a good lubricant, and start as slowly as possible the first few times. Lubrication is extremely important and you can never use too much. Also, be sure to clip your fingernails quite short before doing any type of penetration, especially anal. The lining of the rectum is thin and can be easily torn by sharp objects.
Once you get them lubricated, you want to start by taking it really easy.
Most people who have never had any anal play will instinctively tense their sphincter muscles.
If they are tensing, do not try to push through, as it will cause pain and discomfort.
Instead, make little circles around their anus and wait for them to rimming.
Once relaxing, gently try moving your finger in and out a little. Start shallow and gradually move deeper, just make sure to watch their reactions and facial expressions to see if you are going too fast.
Once you get inside, you can do a variety of things, including: twisting your hand, pulling in and out, moving in large circles following the wall of the cavity, or stimulate specific spots with little circles. The most effective inside a man`s anus is to stimulating his prostate.
Ana-lingus, licking the anal area.
Another form of anal play.
Perhaps this would be a better introduction into playing with your partners anus.
Before engaging in Ana-lingus, make sure to thoroughly wash the area.
Once clean, licking this area of the body is virtually no different then licking any other, and can be very stimulating for your partner.
Like other play in this area, don't just jump right in, build up to it and allow for your partner to get comfortable.
A great way to start performing Ana-lingus is to move into it,when you are performing fellatio (aka a blow job). Or Cunnilingus(aka eating her)
Finally, there's anal intercourse.
Now, anal sex is quite a different ball of wax than using your finger in the anal area. Oh boy! A Person gotta really trust you/someone for this one
The keys to success are copious amounts of lubrication, relaxation on your partners part, and a slow, gentle approach.
Let them tell you when they wants it harder or faster and don't be shy about playing with their genitals ( penis and testicles ,vagina and clit) at the same time.
If you're contemplating allowing anal sex,consider trying it alone first.
In this way, you can gently address your fears, discover your boundaries, and get comfortable with the sensations.
You also can get your anal sphincters to relax by a do it yourself first.
Anal sphincters sorta has a memory..although they tense up when something nears them,it *remembers* to relax once you start a slow teasing play motion to enter and withdraw...BUT only if it has never been frightened in the first place. Then you will have to teach it to trust you.
Afraid of a mess? While there's no basis for this, sometimes perception trumps reality, you can try it the bathtub.
I also tell people that sitting on a toilet,after washing your hands or using a glove or condom over the fingers if you are scared of the little mess...LUBE up the anal area and on your fingers and insert and play with your anus until you can enter with ease...then simply wash and dry off and do it next time again when you are on the loo.
Now we can go on and talk about anal sex...share some stories and what ever...
Share your first time of funny moments or embarrassing moments.....