Suppose the corner is relative...........
Piet Retief seems even closer than 400km to there......
Joined: Oct 2012
Last Seen:2 Days Ago
Site Location: Offline
Status: Married
Distance:85 km
Location: Australia
it's a couple that usually comes up in my search for peeps close to us.....
Distances are calculated on postal codes (and while these distances are far from accurate).
Should someone in Australia happen to live in a place where their postal code matches a local code, the distance calculator would then presume that code to be a local code and make the calculation accordingly.
Road trip to Sydney, who's keen?
There seems to be a problem with the postal codes on the site. I've looked at the gallery and seen some damn nice pics but the distance given shows 621km away from my postal code. Yet when I check out the profile of that particular picture I notice that they are in actual fact in the greater JHB area!! Code 1619 which is Kempton Park.
Just thought I'd ask.
I am about sure of my story.
Firstly they put in the wrong post codes for reasons only they will knew perhaps security .
Secondly the date of Swingingheaven on postcode are not up to date and that would not change before the new program been load.
Above been told to me by Admin when I still was a Mod