Quote by LeeEC
Well, from experience I know that sometimes you just want to say no thanks but you can't really say why, which is what you'd like to do, since most people I've said just "no thanks" to, actually argue with me! (Thanks for not doing that)
I've had three guys tell me various versions of "what the hell is wrong with you?", one "but I've got a big dick" & one guy claimed he'd never been turned down ever, which I find pretty difficult to believe since I've seen his photos....
& sometimes you can't say why because ...
well it's difficult to say, "you're my mate's psycho-ex and I have no interest in shagging your sorry bits!"
Coz well, it's kinda revealing of your identity...
So sometimes you sits and thinks on your response or ponder your feeling to see if it's really "no thanks", or just "you're not my first choice and maybe I'm just fussy" - coz everyone knows I am....
And sometimes sitting and thinking on these things means you forget to respond.... I've definitely done this before.
Plus I'm often in two minds because most of the time there isn't anywhere near enough info on the profiles of people contacting me to even get a feel for the person, so I don't know what to say to a person who clearly is just fishing rather than actually investing in the lifestyle. They end up making me feel like a school teacher correcting homework, and really that is So Not A Turn On.
Also single chicks usually get bombarded with so much mail, no person could cope with the requirements of responding to all of it, so if I mail a single female profile, I don't hold my breath... ever.
Quote by Mike_Pta
Lol I've had the "what hell is wrong with you why are you even here" message also, he wasn't impressed when I said no thanks but your an dick so I'm not interested (his message was just a pic of his dick).
Also apparently it's rude to tell someone I'm not a prostitute who abandons his entire day to hook up with some random dude who sent one message. I believe if you send an initial message ( which is not in reply to a quickie ad) asking to meet up on the same day for a hook-up then your calling me a prostitute with nothing better to do with my life than wait for easy sex.
So I agree with you when you say you don't always want to say no since some guys can be assholes with rejection but personally I prefer rejection to no reply. My best rejection reply is to say I have exams so I'm gonna be busy over the next few days, leaves no room to say its them and they normally don't call back later.
Quote by cumminglinguist
...as a guy who gets ignored/rejected A LOT, I would prefer an honest reply. However, it is what it is, and it aint gonna change... but thank you for your comments/replies! There are some well mannered people around...
Quote by SDMR
Thanks guys, your making me blush here
Quote by PerfectFit
If its any consolation to the single guys, couples get ignored as well.
We have messaged couples that we think sound interesting and out some effort into our message but often they are ignored
Doesn't stop them checking out our profile every day though
Quote by playcouple
One for the single guys out there - just had it now - if a couple or someone replies to it with a no for any reason dont carry on pushing it, their reply is out of courtesy and their reason is probably so as not to be rude so leave it at that before they do get rude
OOH please guys (&gals), what do you expect? A politely worded message saying that unfortunately Venus is not in conjunction with Jupiter therefore the kinky shit you were contemplating is simply just not on the cards? Or: your tastefully executed dickpicks unfortunately show single-ply paper on the toilet roll, I insist on 3ply so I guess there's no future for us? To put it in a nutshell, unanswered chat requests simply mean: not interested, move along, go away, vamos, dawaai ......
I can understand why email messages go unanswered.
If you don't read my profile and my interests and fall within what I am looking for, you will get a polite "thanks but no thanks" reply. If you are going to be a douche and pester me with mails or bad language after that, you will get blocked. If I respectfully declined a chat, why get all agro on me? That's the kind of thing that most people want to avoid and why they would rather not reply than replying politely and recieving verbal abuse in return.
The funny thing is, it is mostly single males who display this kind of behaviour!