Not sure how wide a definition one can draw for this i.e. what are aphrodiziacs? Are they substances, toys, settings, ambience, imagination etc.
Would like to here your opinion and if you use some, which ones and at which occations?
I will define it as follows:
"Its all in the mind!"
whatever you take.... its not the product or situation that does the trick...its what you mind perceive and what you want that will make it happen for you and her!
Rhino horn - no
Oysters - no
etc - no
Mind games - yes!!
I personally do not like to say there are certain substances that *help* with the enjoyment of a sexual interlude.
I am thinking of how the rhino`s are hunted and killed for their horns due to this really stupid believe.
How the sex industry makes money with *spanish fly* and such.
Some people swear by sniffing (poppers) that gives them that little extra boost.(to me it smells like horse pee)
SOME people need alcohol and sometimes other recreational drugs to relax them
All of the above IN MY PERSONAL view is a waste of good money.
And all that is REALLY needed is chemistry between partners, laughter, playfulness , acceptance,and the willingness to explore.
Bedroom games should be fun, not work or a burden. Should not really be a quickie,(I know married couples sometimes rely on quickies if they have kiddies )
And NO ONE will really need an substance for a Aphrodisiac
I will even go as far as to Aphrodisiac for me is
Candle light
a sexy smile.
a light touch
a brush of a hand over my cheek.
Sexy clothes and fuck me shoes.
the slow unbuttoning of his jeans,or her blouse.
the suggestive little tongue flicks over the bottom lip
the way he or she plays with her wineglass
the sucking or licking of an icecream lolly or cone.
boy I can go on and on and on...
But a is all in the mind...and if you buy,you are helping enrich the murderers of the rhino population and making a fool of yourself really.
I cant say it better PIB!
As a woman - you say it all!
I cannot add - just confirm!
Thanks for all the response.
Don't use anything, but are curious to here other peoples take on it.
Very interesting so far.