This thread is about all the abbreviated words used in chats in mails,etc.
Ever since social networking began, the abbreviations began.
What happened to English? Has the language evolved? Are abbreviations going to be a common norm?
Some of the abbreviations are funny,though.
Such as:
Any thoughts or views?
What are your favourite abbreviations?
I learn about these abbreviated words daily , like I have no clue at to what STFU means except if it mean *shut the fuck up*
What how ever bothers me sometimes is the sms type of chat that I do not always understand, as someone who dislike using chatting on a phone or sending sms`s to socialize or keep in contact, it is a strange language.
Phones to me is there for business or for emergency school, I know, I know....
Then to find the people use it write normal letters as well is very disconcerting.
Since cell phones became popular, you should actually note how RUDE people sometimes are,and has become by taking calls, receiving and replying to sms`s that while they are suppose to be socializing with you, or visiting with you.
Just like a computer has taken over the socializing of people in a normal way.
No wonder people ,and yes I include my self here ,are sometimes just a voice and no one knows them anymore.
I could be anyone and a really *bad person* as well who is to know???
I think that is why people becomes lonely.
Normal visiting and getting to now people is all virtual these days.
I have interesting enough read the other day, Advise was given to people who meet on the net, to worry if someone refuses to talk via the phone or dislike webcam socializing....
Chatting on the phone or web-camming.
I however will always give my phone number WHEN and IF I am to meet you personally.
Sorry for taking over your forum thread Vee.
I am terrible with abbreviations! I have to make an effort to remember what is being said!
Just a side note, my family uses them a little differently, so its important to know who you are talking to:
LOL - Lots of Love
WTF - With the Family
I had to ask what my mom what she meant by WFT when she was using it on Facebook, and didnt seem to mean What the Fuck!
PIB. Its cool. Everybody has to give their opinion.
Although I find some of the abbreviations kinda funny, it is also scary when you find it creeping into one's daily life. At work, I find it being used on emails, which is not professional at all. Plus some professionals want to make their own abbreviations as well.
At work, there is one that is used commonly these days. "PFA". When there are attachments, you say please find attachment or "PFA"
I wonder what type of language the children of the future will use when communicating?