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" Pimping Out His Wife And His Sister In- law..."

"Was such a surprise for me..."

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Working with Ronnie was an eye opener from the very first day. He was the shop floor manager. Most of the machinists kept out of his way, as he had a rather short fuse, which could ignite for absolutely no reason. As for his sexy wife Shelly, with long blonde hair, and a body to die for, was the talk of the shop floor, every time she pop in, to see Ronnie. Shelly, was definitely, one of those woman, who reminded me, of when I was young. When seen by a group of young boys, from a distance, one would say, " With a mother like her, I would surely make my own brothers and sisters." Bringing out a loud laugh from the group.

Funny enough Ronnie, seemed to take a fancy towards me, always trying to make small talk with me. Not quite sure why, was it because, I was different from the rest. Taking more pride in my work, or was it because we were more or less the same age, or was it because, I had lost my wife, a few months after I had been employed by the company, or was it his wife who really fancied me. Ronnie always asking me, " If I would like to join him for a drink after work, or join him and his wife for dinner in the evenings." Laughing, I would always offer an excuse, as I was a person, who would never, indulge in pleasure with my superiors.

It was late on Friday afternoon, when Ronnie, called me to his office, as I entered his office, he pointed to the phone, on his desk, and said, "it's for you." On answering, it was bad news. My car would not be ready, until Monday afternoon. Slamming down the phone, I let out a loud yell, " Fuck, how do they think, I am going to get home, this evening." Ronnie, burst out laughing, as he said, " Fuck, Billy, it is not only me, who can loose their temper." Grinning, as I left his office, muttering to myself, " Fuck, what a way to spend the Friday night or the weekend. Home alone, and nowhere to go. Haha, the other men on the shop floor, burst out laughing, as they said, " So Boss Ronnie, knows exactly which buttons of yours to push, to annoy you. Shaking my head, as I muttered, " It was not Boss Ronnie, but the mechanic who is working on my car, " as the bell sounded for the end of the day. Everyone left for home, and me wondering, how I was going to get home? When Ronnie, walked down the stairway towards me. Laughing he said, " So, tonight you have no excuse, not to have beer with me, otherwise you may have to walk home alone tonight. Grinning, I replied, " It will have to be a quickie. " Ronnie burst out laughing, as he replied, " There is never quickie with me." So the drinking session began. One beer, became two, two became three, and the real fun began. Ronnie, talking and talking, about topics I would never have dreamt, that he would have mentioned to me.

Ronnie, began opening up, chatting more and more, about his private life, as we sat chatting, more like two life long pub mates, rather than employer and employee. Me, seeing a completely different side to Ronnie, as his questions, turned towards me, questioning me about my likes and dislikes, and my private life, When suddenly, out of the blue, he asked ? " Tell me Billy are you into swinging?" I burst out laughing, knowing all to well what he was referring too, as my late wife and I had been members of the swinging scene for years. Grinning I jokingly replied, " Of course Ronnie, who wasn't, we all were, when we were young, we used to swing from tree to tree like Tarzan, causing Ronnie to almost choke on his beer, as he burst out laughing. At that moment, the phone in the office rang, as Ronnie answered, the voice on the other side, of the phone yelled, " Fuck, Ronnie, where are you? You know Friday night is our club night." Ronnie, stuttering for his words, replied, " I'm having a beer with Billy from the factory. Laughing, the voice replied, " You mean the blonde chap from the fuck tree." Ronnie blushing, replied," I suppose you could say so." Left me wondering, what she meant, as she slammed the phone down on Ronnie. Ronnie looked at me, as he said, " suppose it is time to go home, as you can hear, the Queen has spoken." Both of us laughing as Ronnie locked up the workshop, Ronnie offered me a lift home, so we left for my home.

Ronnie, looked at me, as we arrived at my home, as he, asked? " If I would like to join them for an evening at the club?" Thinking, that could be fun, I quickly replied, " That would be nice of you, to invite me." As I exited the car. Ronnie grinning, said, " See you just after eight," as he raced away. It was just past eight, when the horn of the car could be heard from outside in the street. Walking down the pathway, and wondering what the night had install for us? I opened the car door, to climbed into the car, Ronnie's wife, turned around and said, " So you were the one, that was keeping Ronnie, at the office, drinking this evening. Laughing, I got into the car, as Ronnie's wife said, meet my sister Sherry, and I am Shelly, as I am sure you already know. Still laughing, I said, " I am Billy." Shelly grinning, said, " You don't have to tell us that, as I have seen you on the shop floor, and I have heard all about you." Left me wondering, what Ronnie had told her about me, as we travelled to the club.

On entering the club, this club did not resemble, any of the swingers clubs, that I had visited before. We were met by the host of the club, who ushered us to a table, that seemed like it had been reserved for us. It wasn't long and the drinks were flowing, as Ronnie and Shelly looked at me, as they said, " Great to be treated like a VIP." Laughing, I replied, " Surely, must come with the perks of been a gold member" Shelly and Sherry both grinning, muttered, " it surely does." Left me wondering, was the gossip true, what I had heard about Ronnie, and his wife Shelly, and her sister Sherry, on the shop floor. It wasn't long, and both Shelly and Sherry had disappeared, gone for the night, and nowhere to be seen, I looked at Ronnie, while sipping on my drink, and said, " Shelly can be extremely lucky, you are not the jealous type." Ronnie replied, "Why should I be, as both ladies are having fun, while I am doing what I like doing best, drinking and making money."

The night had come and gone, and the two ladies returned to our table. Both looking rather exhausted, and panting rather heavily, as Shelly grabbed Ronnie around the neck, giving him a peck on his cheek, as she said, " I think it is time for my bed. Ronnie, glared at Shelly, as he said, " What do you mean, the night is still young?" Sherry, stared at Ronnie, as she said, " Come on Ronnie, lets move on, as most of the patrons have left for home. Our glasses empty, we left the club. Me thinking we are on our way home. But not to be. Down the winding road, Ronnie drove. Shelly and Sherry staring at each other, Sherry with a smirk on her face shouted out, " Ronnie I need a pitstop." Shelly burst out laughing, as she yelled, " Sherry you mean a pee." Sherry, muttered, "come on Shelly, you know what I mean, we need a drink or two." Ronnie looking at the two ladies, as he said, "I second that." So we turned into the parking area of the club, called, " Forget Me Not." Bring a loud chuckle, from Shelly and Sherry as I read the name, out loud. Shelly and Sherry looked at me, as they both said, " Seems like you have been here before or you know what happens here." Bring a big grin from me, as I shook my head, as we entered the club

The four of us, standing at the bar, sipping on our drinks, while Ronnie and I were chatting, Shelly and Sherry, were surveying the scene. When four black gentlemen, joined us at the bar, one staring straight at Shelly, while the other two, were fondling, with her butt, while the fourth said, " Though you had forgotten about us, tonight." Shelly grinning, as she grabbed hold of his cock, Shelly said, " with a cock like this, who would ever forget you." Bringing a loud chuckle from all of them, as they looked at Ronnie. Ronnie nodded his heads in their direction, which was the signal that he was in agreement, that they may use his lady, Shelly. Shelly smiling, and with the arm of one of the men around her neck, they all left, in the direction of the gloomy rooms, which were situated, at the opposite end of the bar. Bang went the door, after they had all entered the room.

Staring back at Ronnie, in total amazement, and Ronnie, staring at Sherry, who was standing behind me, Ronnie asked ? "Sherry, aren't you going to join Shelly?" Sherry, replied, " No, Ronnie, I would rather be fuck by Billy than all of them." Ronnie grinning as he looked at me, and asked? " Billy do you want to fuck Sherry." Totally shocked, I turned around and stared at Sherry, who was grinning from ear to ear, as she grabbed hold of my cock, as she said, " follow me." Leading me in the direction of the gloomy rooms. Bang went the door behind us. Sherry still cling onto my cock, as she threw me onto the bed. Off went her flimsy dress, there she stood, displaying her sexy tattoo body. Rubbing on her pussy as she muttered, "Fuck, Billy, this pussy has been longing for your cock all night long." Sherry removed my trousers, there I lay on the bed, hearing all the moans and groans, coming from the room next door, of Shelly getting gangbanged by the four black cocks, while Sherry stood with my cock in her hand, as she muttered, " Fuck, is this really happening to me." Sherry slowly slipped my cock into her mouth, sucking on my cock for all her worth. There was no stopping Sherry, gagging on my cock, begging me, to mouth fuck her. Holding Sherry on the back of the head, I started to mouth fuck Sherry, fucking her mouth as deep as I could, there was no stopping me, fucking her mouth, Sherry groaning and groaning, until I shot a load of sticky cum, causing Sherry to bite on my cock. Biting and biting on my cock, Sherry slowly released my cock from her cum drenched mouth, as she yelled, " Fuck now is my pussy's turn to feel your cock inside." Jumping onto the bed, Sherry's body straddled over mine, Sherry rubbing her pussy lips, against the head of my rock hard cock, arousing me more and more, and my cock growing even bigger with every touch, while Sherry was pulling on her breasts, causing her to get more and more aroused, as she yelled, "Fuck me Billy."

Sherry, pushing her pussy onto my rock hard cock, and me with an upward thrust, my rock hard cock slipped into Sherry's pussy, casing Sherry to let out a loud yell. "Fuck, now I am going to ride you, like you have never been ridden before. Sherry started to fuck me, for all she was worth. Her butt bouncing hard against my pelvis. Her screaming and me screaming, like wild dogs, neither one of us wanting the other to stop. There we were fucking each other, fucking and fucking, Sherry Cumming, and Cumming, while begging me to cum inside her pussy. Still fucking and fucking, and Sherry's pussy drenched with her cum, I shot my load of warm sticky cum, causing Sherry to yell. "Fuck just what I needed, my pussy flooded with your sticky cum. There we lay on the bed, totally exhausted, gathering out breath, and Sherry's pussy, dripping cum. Sherry rubbing on her dripping pussy with her fingers, to gather the dripping cum, slowly slipping them into her mouth, to lick them clean. Sherry slipped into her flimsy dress, and me into my trousers, we slowly made our way back to where Ronnie was sitting, accompanied by his wife Shelly. Shelly grinning as she stared at Sherry, as she said, " Fuck Sherry, you don't know what you missed, my pussy is still screaming for more." Sherry, smiling and holding on to my cock, said, "I am sure those four cocks would not have excited my pussy as much as this cock in my hand." Ronnie, laughing, while pecking on Shelly's cheek, mumbled, "My baby, there will be plenty more of Billy's cock for you." Shelly grabbed hold of my cock, as she mumbled, "Fuck Sherry I feel what you mean, this cock will surely make my pussy scream." We all left for home, me to my place and the three of them to their home.

Written by KeepPeeping

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