The story which follows over 10 chapters is only part of my life, but may give readers some pleasure, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. I am sure parallels can be drawn to many of your own experiences and I apologize in advance if it offends anyone.
I don’t know if I can ever say thank you to all the woman in my life the relationships, and friendship. This book is about honesty, telling the truth, while protecting the innocent and writing a story. This book is not about marriage although I cannot ignore the consequences thereof in what has happened since in my life. A small synopsis of my marriage as an introduction to the days that followed is helpful only to put the record straight and to confirm what I still feel today, about my ex wife and my child, both of whom I love very much. I know we can never be together again as a family, but I treasure my memories and have become a better person through them.
This book is also written with names and places changed, any reference to someone past or present is purely coincidental. Sensitive readers are warned that my descriptions of sex are both graphic and erotic. However my own personal experiences and imagination flow throughout. What is fact and fiction are blurred in my own mind, but it makes a good story. The question I ask myself today, is? Am I prepared to share this story, is it unique I don’t think so, has it been one helluva roller coaster? Absolutely. Would I change my life for anything different? Probably not. I have regrets, but good memories. I started writing this work for my own therapy and to gain an understanding of myself and self-respect . Would I change my life for anything else? Absolutely not. In search of happiness, love, sex and companionship is about life, who we are, our relationships and choices we make. I judge no one. I cannot change the past, but if you see me sitting in a rocking chair one day smiling, its because I have great memories. I hope you enjoy the stories which follow.